Don't Leave Me Alone

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Chapter 86

A/N - Hey hey! I'll be updating on Monday and Thursday now! Though I'm sad that it's coming to an end :(. Anyway, enjoy this chapeter xo

Don't Leave Me Alone - David Guetta ft. Anne-Marie
"I don't know if I would be alive today, with or without you like night and day"

(Reece POV)

I was laying with George in my living room, we were watching a movie. I had my arm wrapped around George's waist with my hand resting on his stomach. George played with my rings which he has been doing a lot lately, it was adorable. Lexi came down the stairs with her backpack on.

"Where are you going, Lex?" George asked.

"I'm having a sleepover!" Lexi answered.

Lexi started walking to the front door to leave. 

"What, you're not even going to come say goodbye? I'm not going to see you until tomorrow night!" I said, overexaggerating it just a little for Lexi's benefit.

She ran over to George and I and gave us both a hug. Lexi skipped back over to the front door.

"Love you, Lex. See you tomorrow!" I called out to her.

"Have fun, Lexi!" George said.

"I will! Bye, I love you!" Lexi replied to us before leaving with mum.

George laid back down on my chest. I buried my head in his neck and kissed him. I moved back and saw he was smiling. I jumped as George's phone went off in the otherwise silent room, making George laugh. He stood up and picked it up off the coffee table, straddling my lap as he sat back down. 

"Everything good?" I asked as George read the text.

"Yeah, I just have to go home for a bit, is that okay?" George asked in reply, looking up at me.

"Of course. Now?"

"Yeah." George said, standing up.

I stood up too, wincing slightly as I moved. In soccer practice yesterday we did a lot of strengthening exercises so my whole body hurt.

"You good?" George frowned.

"Yeah, sore from yesterday." I answered.

"Why don't you have a hot bath? That's supposed to help muscles isn't it?"

"Yeah, I think so. Wanna have one together when you get back?" I suggested, smirking slightly.

"Always." George laughed. "I'll be back in about an hour."

"Cool. See ya, baby." I said as I walked George to the door.

I lent down and kissed George goodbye before he left. I turned the TV off and went up to my bedroom. There's history homework and research for soccer with my name on it that needs to be done, I better start on it. I pulled out my laptop, books and my homework and got started. I got bored of history pretty quick so I gave up on that and started the research for soccer. Coach was big on us knowing the history of soccer and we also had to learn and memorise all the plays. At least I'm interested in soccer so it's not too bad. I had been studying for almost an hour when I got a text from George.

I'm almost back, wanna get the bath ready for us? :) xxx

Good, I missed you. Sure can, baby xxxx
I replied.

I packed up the mess that was spread over my bed and headed to the bathroom. I turned the tap to what I thought was a good temperature and flicked it on. To test if I was right, I put my fingers under the running water.

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