Held By Me

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Chapter 74

A/N - Okay, I'm getting worse at this, I totally forgot it was monday again and i have 1 more minute until it's tuesday...

Held By Me - The Vamps
"When your scared baby phone in, 'cause I am here every moment"

(George POV)

As I neared my house I started slowing down, trying to prepare for my mothers wrath. I was hoping she would at least let me explain before she killed me. I walked in and mum was eerily quiet. That terrified me.

"Hey mum, I'm home." I said incase she didn't hear me.

"Hello George." She said, turning to face me.

"I'm sorry." Was all I said.

Mum didn't answer so I walked over to the couch and sat across from her. I talked to Reece about what to say before I came so I didn't slip up and say more than he was comfortable with.

"I would've come home if I could've, I was looking forward to dinner. Reece isn't in the greatest place right now and I didn't realise how bad he had gotten until the first night I didn't come home. I couldn't leave him in the state he was in. His panic attacks started up again so I stayed with him to keep him calm. I don't know how often I'll be home but when I am Reece will be over too. He needs me mum, he really does." I explained, hoping she wouldn't yell at me. I didn't think she would now, knowing what was going on. She still wouldn't be happy about me missing family dinner though.

Mum sighed. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. I understand now, I just wished you had explained earlier so I knew what was going on." She sympathised.

"I know, but the first time you called he was asleep, I didn't want to risk waking him up, he really needed the sleep. And I didn't know how much I could say, how much he was comfortable with me telling you." I said, trying to give her as much information on the situation as I could.

Mum nodded. "So you're staying at his tonight? Or is he coming here?"

"Here. If that's okay?" I asked.

"Of course. If either of you need anything at all at any time you come get me, okay?" Mum said.

"I will, thanks mum." I replied while pulling her into a hug.

After our talk I decided to clean my room and do some chores. I kept texting Reece and checking in. One of the times I texted he didn't answer for a few minutes so I almost sprinted to his house to check on him, but he replied just before I ran out the door apologising and saying he got distracted playing with Lexi, he was perfectly fine. Sure, I overreacted just a tiny bit, but can you blame me? After I'd cleaned up I spent some time with my parents, still constantly checking up on Reece. I was worried it would annoy him, but I'd rather annoy him and know he's okay than not text him and miss when he needed me. Mum had started to cook dinner so I took that as my cue to head to Reece's. I walked a little faster than usual so I got there a little quicker. I walked into his house, not bothering to knock. I heard the TV on in the living room so I walked in that direction. Lexi was curled up with her head in Reece's lap, they were watching Toy Story. Reece hadn't noticed I had come in until I leaned over him and kissed him yin and yang style. Reece grinned as I lifted myself higher so I could look into his eyes. He clearly liked the kiss as much as I did.

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