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Chapter 15

A/N - Two updates in one day! Enjoy!

Havana - Camilla Cabello
"I knew it when I met him"

(Reece POV)

I woke up lying on my side, George's arms around me, his head buried in my neck. I'd be more of a morning person if this is how I woke up every day, that's for sure. I moved slightly closer to George, pressing our body's together. He wrapped his arms tighter around me and tried pulling me closer, but we were already as close as we could get. I smiled and held his hands. We laid like this until George woke up.

"Mornin'." George said, his voice croaky.

"Morning." I said, turning in his arms to face him. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good. I woke up a few times but you were asleep. I was worried you wouldn't be able to sleep again."

"I slept all night actually. I didn't wake up once."

Without realising what I was doing I reached up and brushed a bit of hair out of Georges face.

He smiled at me as he rolled onto his back. "My hairs a mess."

A hot mess.

"Bed hair suits you." I told him honestly.

"No it doesn't. Bed hair suits people like you." He said looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

"People like me?" I questioned.

"Yes. People like you."

"What are people like me?"

"Good looking people. Beautiful people. You can pull off anything Reece." He said as if everyone thought it.

He thinks I'm beautiful?! My hearts beating so hard I think it might break a rib. It's taking everything in me to not make out with him right now.

"Thank you." I said, trying to hide my smile while lying down and putting my head on his chest.

He pulled me in close, running his hand up my spine to my hair and starting playing with it. If he keeps doing this to me, my heart will explode. I ran my fingertips up his stomach and rested my hand on his chest, just over his heart.

Did he gasp or did I imagine it?

I could feel the faint beating of his heart. This was perfect, but perfect moments don't last forever. There was a knock on my door. I just wish this moment had lasted a little longer. To my surprise I was the one to jump, not George.

"Under the bed." I said quickly.

He climbed out of bed, grabbed his pyjama pants and slid underneath my bed. I picked up my phone and unlocked it, before mum walked in. It was open on the photo of George and I. My cheeks were on fire as mum walked into my room. She knew how I felt about George. Well not entirely. Oh no. What if she says something about him? That will ruin everything!

"Morning sleepy head." Mum said as she walked in.

I looked at the time. 11:21am. I had slept in.

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