My My My

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Chapter 36

My My My - Troye Sivan
"Let's stop running from love, running from love, let's stop, my baby,
Let's stop running from us, running from us, let's stop, my baby"

(George POV)

I was right the first time. I didn't sleep. It was almost 8:30am on a Sunday and I was awake. Why? I got up out of bed, put a t-shirt and jeans on and went downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and bit into it. I wasn't really hungry, but I had to eat something.

"You're up early!" Mum said as I sat down.

"Yeah, couldn't sleep." I replied.

"Again? What's up?" She asked.

"Just got a lot on my mind." I said, hoping she wouldn't question it.

"Anything I can help with?"

"Nah. Unless you can come up with a band name for Reece, Blake and I? That would solve one problem. The best we've got are 'the trees' or 'the shoes', we're really struggling." I laughed.

"I'm not good on that front, good luck though!"

"Thanks. I'm going for a walk to try clear my head." I said as I finished my apple.

I walked outside and the sun was hot on my skin. It felt nice. After all my thinking and not sleeping last night I still hadn't figured out what I wanted. I walked aimlessly for ages, still lost in thought. It was just after nine now. I had no idea where I was, – I just wandered wherever – at least until I ended up at Reece's door. I guess my decisions made. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door, it took everything in me to not run off. I was terrified. The door opened.

"Hey George! How are you?" Lyndsey asked as she let me in.

"Good thanks, is Reece up?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah I think so, he's up in his room." Lyndsey smiled.

"Thanks." I smiled back.

I headed for the stairs. My hands were clammy and slightly shaky. I got to Reece's bedroom door and it was closed. I took another deep breath as I ran my fingers through my hair. I lifted my hand up to knock on his door and froze. How was I supposed to say this? What was I supposed to say? Here it goes...

I knocked on his door, my heart racing. His door barely opened and my lips were already on his.

Oh, like that I guess.

I closed the door behind us, my lips never leaving his. We started to move further into his room as we kissed, my hands on his cheeks.

"I'm ready." I said in between kisses. "I want you, Reece, I want to be with you."

I didn't stop kissing him, I couldn't.

"I'm yours." Reece replied.

Reece slipped his tongue further into my mouth as he fell backwards onto his bed, still not breaking the kiss. We kissed a few more times before Reece pulled away.

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