Count On Me

793 42 46

Chapter 24

A/N - Imagine if I didn't update for a week, Greece Trash™ would die

Count On Me - Bruno Mars
"When you're tossin' and you're turnin' and you just can't fall asleep, I'll sing a song, beside you"

(George POV)

"See you guys tomorrow." Reece said, letting go of my hand.

Reece gave us all a hug before walking inside his house. Once we were a few blocks away Hailey turned to face me.

"You like Reece don't you?" She asked.

"I- what?" I said blushing. "How?" I yelled slightly, throwing my hands in the air and walking ahead.

"If you like him why don't you go for it?" Hailey asked.

I turned around to face her and Blake and started walking backwards. "One, he's straight. B- no two, he wouldn't like me like that even if he wasn't."

"Road." Blake said.

I turned around and crossed the road before facing them again.

"I don't buy it, but whatever, if you want to live being miserable 'cause you never gave it a shot go ahead." Hailey said smiling.

"You're evil." I said turning around again.

I walked fast so I got to Blake's house before the others. I walked in and saw Abbie, Blake's sister, sitting on the couch eating popcorn.

"Hey Abbie." I said jumping down next to her and stealing popcorn.

"Hey out of my popcorn!" Abbie laughed. "Where's Blake?"

"He was walking slow, he should be here in a minute."

"How was school?" Abbie asked.

"Good, Reece was in my second class, that was fun." Of course I go straight – well, not entirely – to Reece. "Blake was in most of my classes so that was good. Although I ended up with Mountain Dew all over me so I'm a little sticky."

"How'd you get Mountain Dew all over yourself?" Abbie asked laughing.

"Someone made me spit out my drink." I laughed as Blake and Hailey walked through the door.

"Hey, Blake. Hi..?" Abbie said.

"Hailey." Blake finished. "This is my sister Abbie."

"Hi, nice to meet you." Hailey smiled as she walked over to Abbie and shook her hand.

"You too." Abbie said smiling.

I jumped up off the couch and followed Blake and Hailey upstairs.

I shut the door behind us and turned back to see Blake leaning down to kiss Hailey. Great, I'm going to be third wheeling.

"How long have you two..?" I interrupted.

Blake stopped kissing Hailey and looked up at me.

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