You Are The Reason

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Chapter 79

A/N -

You Are The Reason - Calum Scott 
"If I could turn back the clock, I'd make sure the light defeated the dark, I'd spend every hour of every day keeping you safe"

(George POV)

I woke up to Reece's uneven breathing and sobbing. I immediantly sat up and went through the usual steps to wake him up, thankfully it worked. Reece sat up, unable to breathe. It took a few minutes and a lot of effort on both of our parts, but Reece managed to calm the breathing. Though, he was still crying. I pulled him onto my chest and ran my hand up and down his back.

"Shh, baby, everythings okay, I've got you." I whispered to him.

"I-I don't k-know why I'm-I'm crying." Reece stuttered in between sobs. 

When Reece's breathing became erratic again I realised it was a panic attack. He wasn't getting enough oxygen in, so his body started to shake. The panic attack wasn't letting up anytime soon, so I just sat with his and did my best to calm him. It wasn't the worst I've seen him have, far from it actually, but I couldn't get this one to stop. After what felt like forever, but in reality was only about ten minutes, his panic attack subsided. 

"It wasn't even that bad that time, I don't know why that happened." Reece said, his voice weak.

I didn't know what to say, so I started running my hands through his hair. It was almost seven, so it was pointless going back to sleep as we had to be up for school soon. 

"You said the police thought it was an accident didn't they?" I asked. Reece nodded. "How? Everything pointed back to Justin."

"There was blood on the door of the shipping container at my head height and it was a windy day, it looked like I was just a curious kid that walked into the container, then the wind caught the door, shutting it behind me, hitting my head and knocking me out." Reece explained.

"But what about your phone? Your phone happens to go missing at the same time, how is that a coincedince?" I asked. How can they not charge the guy for attempted murder? Reece almost lost his life and nothing was done about it.

"They found it in my bedroom. Justin had snuck into my house and put it on my nightstand. The screen was smashed, but they thought I had just forgotten that I had dropped it." Reece answered.

"That's ridiculous, you could've-" 

"But I didn't. I've been over this hundreds of times, wondering what could I have said or done differently to make them believe that it wasn't an accident. But I can't change anything. And neither can you. It took me years, but I finally accepted that even if I could've done something, it's too late. I would forever have be living in the past and I would never be able to move forward with my life if I didn't accept that what is done is done. I know you're mad and want him to pay for what he did, I still do too but there's nothing we can do so let's just move foreward. Together. He wanted to see me broken, I'm going to prove that nothing he has done to me can stop me from being happy and living my life the way I want. He failed, I'm not broken. I'm bruised, but I'm not broken." Reece said, despite earlier events, his voice was strong and sure.

"Shit that was inspiring." I said, wiping a tear from my cheek. "I know I've said it before but I'm so so proud of you." I added, pulling him in and kissing him gently and lovingly.

Reece smiled as we parted. We spent the last few minutes before we had to get ready cuddling. School was as boring as always, but we got through it without Brent being a dick so it wasn't too bad. When we got back to mine I persuaded Reece into napping by running my fingers through his hair. Reece, Blake and I all decided on singing Rest Your Love by The Vamps for our cover, so Blake set it up as Reece napped on my lap. We rewatched an episode of Stranger Things after everything was set up since Reece was still asleep. Shortly after it finished, Reece woke up. We all ate before we filmed the cover, it also gave Reece some time to wake up properley. Blake edited it as we put on another episode. Blake uploaded it privately on our YouTube channel so it was ready for tomorrow. Blake was going to stay the night, but Reece was worried about having another nightmare and didn't want to drag Blake into it so he decided to go home. He had just left and Reece and I headed back to my bedroom to sleep. 

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