Just To See You Smile

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Chapter 57

A/N - Yo yo, sorry for taking so long, I couldn't think of a name😩 Anyway, enjoy!

Just To See You Smile - Why Don't We
"Your eyes are all I need, to make forever feel like just a little while, I swear I'd walk, I'd run, I'd even learn to fly, just to see you smile"

(George POV)

It's lunch, so Reece, Blake and I headed to football tryouts. I knew I wasn't going to get in, but I thought I'd at least try. Once we got to the field we started warm up. It was pretty warm out, so half the guys had their shirts off. I was quite enjoying the sight of a shirtless Reece. Reece looked at me and winked. Tease. There was a lot of running involved, Blake and I don't run. Reece on the other hand, was doing great. He's definitely going to make the team. Blake and I went to go get a drink before we moved on to the next part of tryouts.

"George, you're staring." Blake stated.

"Can you blame me? My incredibly hot boyfriend is shirtless and sweaty, who wouldn't be staring?" I questioned without taking my eyes off Reece.

Blake shook his head at me as he walked off. We walked back over to the group and I put my arm around Reece's shoulder.

"Aren't you making your boyfriend jealous?" Brent said.

I'm pretty sure my boyfriends quite enjoying it.

"I don't know, Blake am I making you uncomfortable?" I asked.

Blake laughed.

"You're finally admitting you're together?" Harley said incredulously.

"Na, he's not my type. He's not sporty enough or blonde." I responded.

"Sounds like you've got your eye on someone, what's his name?" Brent asked.

"I never said it was a boy." I replied.

It is, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Can we please get back to football?" Coach asked sighing.

Tryouts were finished. We were all standing together, waiting for the football coach to announce the team. He listed off a few names before he said Reece.

"Good job, Reece!" I said excitedly as I went to hug him.

He pulled back and said, "I'm sweaty."

I laughed and hugged him anyway. As I hugged him I whispered, "Good."

Reece smiled. Blake gave Reece a high five. I heard Brent groan. So did coach.

"Shut your mouth Brent or you're off the team." Coach said.

Brent crossed his arms over his chest sourly and stayed quiet. Blake and I didn't make the team, as to be expected, but it was fun trying out. I can't wait to see Reece out on the field.

When we reached our lockers I remembered we had to get our needles today. I figured the other two had forgotten, so I reminded them.

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