Same To You

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Chapter 25

A/N - I'm in a good mood so here's another update! It's a lil short but the content makes up for it😉😉 Enjoy!

Same To You- The Vamps
"Does it feel the same to you?"

(George POV)

I woke up to an annoyingly loud beeping noise.

"Shut the fuck up." I groaned, pulling my pillow over my head.

Wait. Oh it's my alarm. I groaned again and stopped the alarm. I didn't want to get out of bed. It was comfy. And warm. Like Reece's arms. Ooh, Reece, Blake and I are walking to school together. Now I have a bit of motivation to get out of bed. I climbed out and jumped in the shower. When I got out, I could smell pancakes. This is going to be a good day. I walked into my bedroom and put on my black and white striped t-shirt and black jeans and headed downstairs. When I reached the bottom of the stairs mum called out to me.

"Pancakes for breakfast?" She asked

"Definitely!" I said smiling.

I took one of the pancakes from the pile, buttered it and put some syrup on it. I quickly ate it and finished getting ready for school. I styled my hair a little differently today.

"See you after school." I said to mum as I picked my school bag up and walked outside.

I jumped up and sat on my brick mail box as I waited for Reece and Blake. I already know Blake will be ten minutes late. A few minutes later I saw Reece walking towards me smiling.

"Hey." I said smiling back.

"Hello." He said still smiling.

I jumped off the mailbox. Reece walked up to me and put his hand on my cheek, leaning in and kissing me lightly and quickly on the lips. What the hell just happened? He saw the shocked look on my face. He went from smiling, to looking like he'd seen ghost.

"Shit!" Reece exclaimed. "It was a dream. I'm so sorry George." Reece said running off.

I was frozen. I didn't know what to do, Reece just kissed me! Me! I finally closed my mouth. Reece was out of sight now, but I still couldn't move. About five minutes later, Blake arrived.

"Hey. Where's Reece?" Blake questioned. Seeing the shocked look still on my face, he added, "Are you okay?"

"I- I don't even know." I said, finally moving.

"Alright you're going to have to explain." Blake said.

"Reece kissed me." I struggled out.

"What!" Blake yelled.

"He kissed me. Then ran off." I said slowly.

"He ran off?"

"Yeah. Literally."

"Did you have that look on your face?" Blake asked.

"Can you blame me?! Reece kissed me! How was I supposed to react?" I asked.

"You need to tell him how you feel."

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