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Chapter 81

A/N - Heyyyyy! I'm kinda excited for y'all to read this one, I really like it. It's not my best writing, but it's still one of my favs. I hope you enjoy it too!!

Shadows - Sabrina Carpenter 
"All these voices in our head, well they keep screaming louder and louder, but we won't let them pull us under"

(George POV)

Reece and I were in his backyard playing soccer together. We were having a competition of who could bounce the ball the most amount of times before it hit the ground. So far I was winning with 33 bounces. I think this is the first time I've ever won to Reece on anything. It was getting quite hot out, I think Reece noticed too.

"You up for a swim?" I asked Reece.

"Sounds perfect, I'm dying." Reece answered. I laughed.

"How about we invite Blake over too?" I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." Reece grinned.

Reece and I headed upstairs to change into bathers. Reece called Blake as we headed up the stairs.

"Yo bitch, get to my house now, we're swimming." Reece said, immediately.

I stopped and looked at Reece with a look of extreme confusion. Reece just laughed and ran up the rest of the stairs two at a time. I followed after him but he was already in his room when I reached the top of the stairs. I walked into his room only to have a pair of bather shorts thrown in my face. Lovely. I sighed and picked them up off the floor.

"Strip." Reece demanded as soon as I shut the door.

"What's gotten into you today?" I laughed, changing into the bather shorts that Reece had thrown at me.

"I'm happy." Reece smiled the most genuine smile I had seen in a long time.

My smile matched his as the words left his mouth.

"Well in that case..." I said as I walked up to him.

I put my hand on the back of his neck and lent up to kiss his neck. I left a trail of open-mouthed kisses down his neck, sucking gently on my way down and continuing down his chest. My hands played with the waistband of his shorts as my lips sucked on his nipple. Reece let out a quiet moan, letting his head drop back. I continued all the way down his body until I got to his pants. I stood up and pushed Reece onto his back on his bed.

"Get changed, I wanna swim." I smirked. His hard-on was very visable through his shorts.

"You suck." Reece groaned.

"I'm pretty sure that's not what I'm not doing."

Reece threw a pillow at me. I laughed.

"We can't anyway, Blake will be here soon."

Reece pouted. As if he heard me say his name, Blake walked through the door.

"I'm not your bitch, George is your bitch." Blake said, pointing to Reece then me.

"Hey, I'm no one's bitch." I argued.

"You're both my bitches, now let's swim." Reece said as he pulled on his bather shorts and pulled us out of his room.

Reece let go of our wrists when we got to the pool and jumped straight in, not bothering to test the water. He popped back out of the water yelling profanities and holding his arms, the water was clearly cold. Blake and I were laughing our heads off and I don't think Reece was appreciating that. Reece jumped out of the pool and wrapped his arms round both Blake and my waist and pulled us into the water. I screamed out, almost choking on water. Not my brightest decision. I jumped on top of Reece, knocking him under the water again and Blake did the same when he resurfaced again. The only reason we stopped was because we didn't want to drown him. We had been swimming around for a few minutes when Lexi came outside.

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