Something About You

630 29 72

Chapter 83

A/N - Hey sorry again for not updating. I explained why on my profile if y'all didn't see. This is 3700 words so enjoy!

Something About You - Aydan
"Tell me to believe in, tell me what you're thinking"

(Reece POV)

George stayed at my house last night and then headed home in the morning. It had only been a couple of hours since he left and I already missed him. I can't wait until we're old enough to move in together. I sat bored for awhile before I decided just to go to George's house.

"Dad, I'm going to George's." I called out.

"Text me if you're not coming home." Dad called back to me.

"Will do." I said before leaving.

I didn't bother taking anything but my phone in case I ended up staying over, I usually ended up stealing his things anyway. I was practically skipping to George's house. I thought about texting him and letting him know I was coming over but I wanted to surprise him. I walked into G's house and saw him sitting on the couch.

"Hey, baby." I said as I walked over to him.

George quickly locked his phone with a look of slight panic written on his face. I decided not to question it. I straddled his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"What are you doing here?" George grinned.

"I missed you." I shrugged and smiled at him.

George's smile grew and he pecked me on the lips. "I missed you too."

"Let's go to your room and make out without shirts on." I stood up and pulled him up by his hand.

George giggled and followed me. I pulled him into his room and shut his door behind us, immediately connecting our lips and ripping both our shirts off. I slowly led him over to his bed.

"So you came over because you're horny?" George smiled against my lips.

I laughed. "No, but you know how easily distracted I get by your lips."

"Mhm, I know that well." George said as he laid down on his back.

"I was meaning just making out though." I said, climbing on top of him.


I laughed and started making out with him. I ran my hands up his chest and neck into his hair. I tugged at his hair, eliciting a soft moan from him. I smiled against his lips and then kissed along his jaw to his neck, sucking lightly on his soft spot but not enough to leave a mark. I continued kissing down his neck and chest until my lips found his nipple. He loved when I teased his nipples. I began sucking and biting gently. George moaned again but tried pushing me off him slightly.

"You're turning me on and we can't have sex, my parents are home." George said slightly out of breath.

I groaned and moved up to his lips. We continued making out with a sense of urgency. I was desperate to taste every part of his body, I'd missed out for so long. We eventually parted when we no longer had any air in our lungs. I laid down beside him and intertwined our fingers. I turned my head to the side and was met with my favourite blue eyes already looking back at me.

"I love you." I said as I reached over and ran my knuckle along his cheek.

George closed his eyes and smiled a happy, content smile. "I love you too." He said as he opened his eyes again.

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