Little Do You Know

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Chapter 17

A/N - Keep an eye on my Instagram account (NewHopeTahlz), I might post some sneak peeks on there😄

Little Do You Know
- Alex & Sierra
(Just listen to the entire song as you read this it's perfect for this story)

(George POV)

I didn't know what time it was, but I was tired. We all were. I turned my head and groaned.

"You okay?" Reece asked me.

"Yeah, Blake and I were playing football and I hurt my neck somehow." I said rubbing my neck.

"Can you losers shut up. I want to sleep." Brent said, walking over to the couch.

"The girls can sleep on the couch. You can sleep on the floor." Blake said to Brent.

"Thank you Blake." Hailey said smiling at Blake, then turning to glare at Brent.

Reece lied down on the ground to sleep.

"Use me as a pillow. I don't want you to hurt your neck worse." Reece said to me.

I moved in closer to Reece, putting my head on his stomach, creating a T shape.

"Thanks." I said.

"Blake, you can have the cushion for offering up the couch." Hailey said, glaring at Brent again.

"No, you can keep it." Blake replied.

Hailey threw the cushion at Blake.

"Nope." Hailey said.

"Thank you." Blake said, gratefully picking up the pillow.

It was fairly dark in the room, but not as dark as I would like it. I laid there for nearly an hour and I still couldn't sleep.

"You awake?" Reece whispered.

"Yeah. I can't sleep." I whispered back. "Why aren't you asleep?"

"I- I'm scared." Reece whispered a little quieter.

I rolled to face Reece.

"What if I-" Reece started.

"No. You won't." He didn't have to say it, I knew he was talking about his nightmares. I took his hand in mine.

He nodded. I put my head back down on his chest. Reece closed his eyes, so I closed mine.

I woke up to faint noises. Kind of like whimpering. Reece was having a nightmare again. I shook him lightly, it did nothing. I shook him a bit harder.



He's not going to wake up. I intertwined his fingers in mine, and ran my free hand through his hair. The least I could do is comfort him when he woke up. A few minutes later the whimpering had quietened down and lessened. Within five minutes he had stopped completely. I put my head on his chest again, but I didn't stop holding his hand or running my fingers through his hair until I fell asleep.

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