Girls Talk Boys

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Chapter 45

A/N - Heyo! Everyone should listen to Shawns new album if you haven't already😉 Enjoy loves❤️

Girls Talk Boys - 5 Seconds of Summer
"'Cause every night you and I find ourselves kissing and touching like no one else, falling and falling until I fell, for you"

(George POV)

As I put my stuff into my locker I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey Bibby." I said smiling as I turned around.

"How'd you know it was me?" Reece said also smiling.

"Just did." I said still smiling. "Hey you got your stitches out!" I added excitedly as I put my hand up to his lip.

Reece smiled. I realised where we were and quickly dropped my hand, luckily no one saw.

"Yeah, I went to the hospital this morning and got them taken out." Reece said, not taking his eyes off my lips.

I slowly licked my lips knowing it would tease Reece.

"You're horrible." Reece said shaking his head and walking off to go to class.

"Hey wait up, we've got first period together." I said as I caught up to him.

"Perfect, now I've got something interesting to pay attention to." Reece smiled.

I laughed and nudged him slightly, pretending I don't like it when he says that, but we both know how much I loved it.

The day went by slowly and boringly, apart from english - Reece put his glasses on again, God the things that did to me. We were walking home together now, hand in hand.

"Am I coming to yours?" I asked.

"If you do my dad will insist on interrogating you today instead of tomorrow." Reece stated.

"What's wrong with that?" I laughed.

"You'll need at least a day to prepare."

"Is it really going to be that bad?" I laughed, slightly scared.

"I don't want to scare you, but yes. He's very protective of me, especially lately."

"Well I'll just have to show him how much you mean to me bibbles." I said smiling up at him.

Reece smiled and kissed me softly on the cheek, making me blush. Reece laughed a little.

"Mine then?" I asked.

"Sounds good." Reece said letting go of my hand and putting his arm around my waist. "But I think you owe me a piggyback."

"Hey, I do not." I laughed.

"Remember that time you pushed me off the bed?" Reece questioned, raising his eyebrows.

"Jump on." I sighed before laughing.

Reece jumped onto my back, cuddling in tight and nibbled lightly on my ear making my entire body light on fire. I turned my head and kissed his lips.

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