For Him

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Chapter 32

A/N - I've moved from my bed to the couch and I ate some cake, what have you guys done with your day?

for him. - Troye Sivan
"You don't have to say I love you to say I love you"

(George POV)

It was only lunchtime and I was already about to fall asleep. It didn't matter how tired I was, as long as Reece slept okay. Lunch was the same as usual, we ate, we talked, we laughed. Although I did catch Reece staring at me quite a lot. Then again, Reece caught me staring at him a lot too. Then it was on to music. We had to choose what instruments we would be playing tomorrow and practice together. Reece was drumming on the cajon and I was playing the guitar. That went pretty well. Reece and I work well together, so it was a fun class. And now we have P.E. I hate P.E.

"I'm not very athletic. I will die if we have to run." I said as we walked to the oval.

"You'll be fine, you'll have me." Reece reassured with a smile and a wink.

As we got to the oval I heard our P.E teacher, Stephen, say we have 15 minutes of running, and if we stopped we got another minute added on.

"Yep, I'm going to die." I said confidently.

Reece just laughed at me and put a hand on my shoulder.

We have two teachers, Stephen and Robbie. We have to use their first names because they are cousins. If we say Mr. Amell they will both answer, it can get pretty confusing.

"Off you go!" Robbie called out.

Reece and I started running, Reece ahead of me. He slowed down to my pace.

"You don't have to slow down for me." I said.

"But then I don't get to look at your ass." Reece whispered, leaning in.

I laughed and didn't bother hiding my blush.

"That's better." Reece laughed, noticing I didn't hide it.

We kept running, and running, and running. It felt like hours but we had only been running for ten minutes. I needed a break so I stopped running. Reece stopped next to me.

"Don't wait for me." I puffed out.

"It's fine. Are you okay?" Reece asked.

Reece went to put his hand on my lower back as he looked over at Stephen and Robbie to make sure they hadn't seen us stop, but missed my back and put his hand on my ass instead. He didn't seem to notice though.

"Yeah, not too bad." I said still puffed.

Reece turned back to me and realised where his hand was.

"Sorry! I didn't mean-" Reece started.

"Did it look like I was complaining?" I interrupted and winked as I ran backwards before turning around again.

Luckily everyone was at the other side of the oval and didn't see. Reece ran up next to me blushing and smiling. How cute. He had slowed down, but I was still struggling to keep up. He was so adorable in every way. His dimples when he smiles makes my heart melt. Though he does have a not-so-innocent side to him, I'd love to get to know that side of him more. The ground I was on went slightly uneven, making me trip over.

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