Kid In Love

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Chapter 12

A/N - Yeah I'm most likely going to keep updating no matter how busy I am. Also the MRI machine didn't eat me but I won't have the results until monday😖

Kid In Love - Shawn Mendes
"Maybe I'm just a kid in love"

(George POV)

We reached the bottom of the hill that Reece took me to the first day we met. I haven't been here since that night. What a good night that was.

"So this is where you were taking me." Reece said smiling.

"Yeah, I figured you'd need it after the night you had." I said, letting go of his hand, putting my hand on the top of his arm.

"I had a pretty good night actually. Apart from the dream of course. But thank you George, I really appreciate this." He said smiling at me.

"How couldn't you tell where we were going?" I said laughing.

"I got distracted." He said still smiling at me.


"I- um, I-" Reece tried but he couldn't get it out. Blush was starting to creep up his cheeks.

I smiled and started walking up the hill.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I said honestly.

He quickly caught up with me. He grabbed my hand again as he said, "Thank you. I'm still not really good at this whole opening up thing."

"You're doing great Reece." I said looking at him.

He smiled at me shyly.

"Hey, I think you owe me a piggy back." He said raising an eyebrow at me.

"Dude come on. I'm struggling enough right now." I said laughing. "You're the fit one of the two of us!"

Reece let go of my hand and jumped on my back. I nearly fell over, I just managed to stay on my feet and not drop Reece. I struggled slowly up the hill. When we finally reached the top i half dropped him to the ground as I fell. I had fallen backwards so I was on top of Reece. I rolled over, still on top of him, much like last time. Our body's were pressed together, our lips only inches apart. His breath was tickling my lips. Kiss him. The voice in my head told me. I can't, he's straight. I'm straight. Well at least I thought so. I like girls though. I'm straight.

"We were in a similar situation last time we were here, how long are you going to lie on me to annoy me this time?" He said smirking at me.

"I'll be nice this time." I said climbing off him. I just managed to keep my cool.

"George being nice? Never!" He said sarcastically, sitting up as he spoke.

"Hey, I'm always nice." I said nudging his shoulder with mine.

"I know you are George." He said laughing.

I smiled back at him.

I stood up. "I'll leave you alone to clear your head." I said, starting to walk down the hill. "Bye, Reece."

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