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Chapter 47

Mockingbird - Eminem
"I'll do anything for you to see you smile"

(George POV)

Mum dropped me off at Reece's house right on time. I took a deep breath and knocked on Reece's door and waited a moment before it opened. Reece was smiling when he saw me. He looked me up and down, still smiling.

"You're adorable." Reece said as he leant in and kissed me.

"Why?" I said frowning, but also smiling.

"They way you were so worried about what to wear," Reece said, still smiling, as he put his arms around my waist. "You were here on the dot, and your hair, it's styled differently."

"It's too much isn't it? I knew I should've just-" I started.

"My point exactly." Reece laughed. "Come on, you can put your stuff in my room first."

I followed him up the stairs.

Reece turned to me as we neared the top and said, "And no, it's not too much. You look perfect."

I smiled and looked to the ground. He can still make me blush with a few simple words. Once we got to his room I put my bag down and pulled out Reece's jumper.

"I forgot to give this back to you." I said handing Reece his jumper.

"That's where that went!" Reece said.


"No it's fine," Reece laughed. "Didn't I give you it the first day we met?"

"Yeah." I laughed.

"I'd completely forgotten that."

I laughed again. I started to fiddle with my hands, I do it when I'm nervous.

"Hey, don't be nervous, you got this." Reece said as he kissed me. "You ready?"

"Sure." I said unconfidently.

Reece laughed and held my hand as we walked back downstairs.

"Dad." Reece called out.

His dad walked out of the study. He saw us holding hands and didn't seem too impressed. Off to a great start, aren't we? I let go of Reece's hand.

"Dad, this is George, George, this is Jamie." Reece introduced.

"Pleasure to meet you." I said as I outstretched my hand.

"Likewise." Reece's dad- Jamie said unconvincingly as he shook my hand.

"George!" Lexi exclaimed as she saw me.

She ran over and hugged me.

"Hey Lex! How's Pablo?" I asked.

"You remember Pablo?" Lexi asked surprised.

"Of course! Who could forget Pablo?" I questioned.

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