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Chapter 62

A/N - Hey Hey👋 Reece's updated cover of latch killed me omg it was beautiful!😍😭 I came back from the dead to update though! Hope you enjoy ;)

Pillowtalk - Zayn
"I love to hold you close, tonight and always, I love to wake up next to you"

(George POV)

I woke up in Reece's arms, he was slowly running his hands through my hair. I hummed, enjoying the feeling. He softly pressed his lips against my forehead.

"How'd you sleep baby? Feeling better after your nap?" Reece asked, wrapping both his arms around me tightly.

"Much." I replied, still not opening my eyes.

He lent down and planted a sweet kiss on my lips. I smiled, but I still didn't open my eyes.

"Let me see your beautiful eyes." Reece whispered into my ear, a hint of laughter in his voice.

"What's in it for me?" I questioned, unable to keep the smile off my face.

"You get to see this beautiful face." Reece tried.

"Try again."

"You get to see this beautiful face and I'll let you mess up my hair." Reece said, he knew how much I loved doing that.

"Hmm, getting there." I smiled.

"Alright then, you get to see this beautiful face, I'll let you mess up my hair and I'll even put on my glasses for you." Reece said.

"Alright I'm sold." I said as I opened my eyes for a second before I kissed him.

I started to scruff up his hair as I pulled back. Reece laughed.

"Where are the glasses?" I asked.

"Where are my kisses?" Reece asked.

"That wasn't apart of the deal." I laughed. "But I'll take it after you put your glasses on." I added, turning so I was sitting sideways in his lap.

He reached over and put his glasses on before he smashed his lips against mine. I laughed and let him slide his tongue into my mouth. We kissed a few times before there was a knock on the door. I jumped away from Reece before I realised I didn't need too. I cuddled back into him as the door opened.

"Dinners ready boys." Mum said cheerily.

"Dinner?" I said surprised. "How long was I asleep for?" I asked Reece.

"A couple hours." Reece laughed.

"You should've woken me." I laughed, sitting up.

"You looked to beautiful to disturb." Reece said.

He looked down to my lips like he was about to kiss me, but I bit my lip. I may be out to my parents, but it will take a bit of getting used too. Reece realised and smiled instead.

"We'll be there in a sec mum."

Mum walked out and closed the door.

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