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Chapter 44

A/N - I'm currently on my break at work eating a muffin and listening to music so I thought I'd update! Enjoy :)

Fall - The Vamps
"Can't take my eyes off, can't take my hands off you"

(Reece POV)

"Hey mum." George said as he dropped his bag to the floor.

"Hey boys, how was school?" Natasha asked.

George looked at me and smiled. "It was good." He replied, still looking at me.

There was something in his eyes that I haven't seen before. It was beautiful, his eyes were shining. It was mesmerising.

"Would you like anything to eat?" Natasha asked.

"I'm alright. Reece?" George asked.

"I'm good thank you." I said, not taking my eyes off George.

We started to walk up the stairs when George tripped. I caught him, stopping him from hitting his beautiful face on the step.

"What are we going to do with you George?" I laughed.

George laughed back. His laugh lit up his entire face. I don't know what it was about George today, but I couldn't take my eyes off him. When we walked into his room George turned and asked me,

"What? You've been staring at me all day." He laughed.

Because I love you.

"You're worth staring at." I said as I dropped my school bag to the floor and started kissing him.

George pulled back smiling. He laid down on his bed. I sat down next to him and fiddled with the hem in his shirt.

"Were you actually checking out the new guy or was Brent making things up again?" George asked.

"Only kind of. Sorry, I know I-"

"Reece I don't care." George laughed. "I was just curious. You can check out whoever you like, as long as you don't leave me."

"I'll never leave you." I said honestly as I kissed him. "Ever." I said looking him straight in the eyes.

"Good." George smiled.

"I mean, where am I going to find another body as sexy as yours?" I said as I ran my hands underneath his shirt.

George laughed. The look in his eyes had turned to lust now. I laughed and lied down next to him. I picked up one of his hands and started fiddling with it, but not taking my eyes off his.

"Did I make up for leaving you tonight?" I asked George.

I had to leave now. I wish we were old enough to move in together so I'd never have to leave him.

"Almost." George said smirking.

"What do I have to do?" I asked.

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