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Chapter 10

A/N - Ayo. This will be my last update for awhile ;(. As much as I want to, I don't have time with work/gymnastics and the doctors appointments for my back injury I'm stressing over. So, enjoy this chap xo

Ease - Troye Sivan ft. Broods
"Your touch, my comfort, and my lullaby"

(George POV)

Something woke me up, it sounded like yelling. When I fully woke up I realised it was Reece. I jumped up and tried to wake him up. I was shaking him gently, careful not to hurt him.

"No! Don't! Please!" Reece was yelling.

"Reece wake up!" I said, still shaking him.

Sweat was plastering his hair to his head, he was dripping. He mumbled something I couldn't quite understand.

"Help!" He yelled again.

"Reece please!"

He started tossing and turning, getting tangled up in the sheets. He was burning up so I pulled the already half off sheets completely off of him.

"Reece. Reece!" I yelled and shook him a little harder.

Reece jumped up with a gasp. His breathing was uneven and shaky. He looked at me with a terrified look on his face and got out of bed and ran off. I went after him and saw the bathroom door close behind him.

(Reece POV)

"Reece open up." I heard George saying  softly from the other side of the door.

I still couldn't breath. It felt as if there was a boulder on my chest, restricting my breathing. I sat down on the floor, my back against the cupboards. I brought my knees to my chest and put my elbows on them, head in hands. I took a minute to try control my breathing, it helped slightly. I could still hear George knocking on the door. I didn't want him to see me like this.

"Reece please, unlock the door." George said sympathetically. "At least let me know you're okay."

I stood up, flicked the lock on the door, and went to the sink to splash my face with water. George walked in, shutting the door behind him.

"Are you okay?" He said as I turned the water off.

"I'll be fine."

"I know you will be fine, I'm asking how you are now." He said walking closer to me.

"I haven't had them in weeks. I don't know why they're back. Why tonight?" I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

George slid his hand up my back to rest it on my shoulder.

"They happen often?"

I hesitated. I may have opened up before, but I'm not ready to open up about this.

I nodded slowly.

His hand tightened on my shoulder. "Whenever you're ready to talk about it I'll be here. I'll always be here." He said in a soft, sweet, tired voice.

"I'm sorry for waking you." I said, sighing.

"Don't worry about it." He said, sliding his hand down my back again. "Want to go back to bed?"

I nodded, standing up straight again and started walking back to his room.

I didn't want to go back to bed. I knew what would happen, what happens every time I have this nightmare. I won't sleep, I'll toss and turn all night. Or if I do get back to sleep, I keep having the nightmares. It's a never ending cycle.

I climbed back into his bed reluctantly, laying on my back. George lied next to me. My breathing was still shaky, but I was able to get air in now. George took my hand and intertwined our fingers, such a small thing, but it made me feel a little better. We lied here like this for a few minutes. My breath had calmed down now. George let go of my hand, the little bit of comfort I had was gone. He moved closer to me. I wish I could have him this close all the time. He rolled me onto my side so my back was facing him. He moved closer until our body's were only centimetres apart. He put his arm over me and held my hand.

"Is this okay?" George asked.

"Yeah, this is good." I said, feeling him relax a bit.

I moved closer to him, closing the gap between us. We fit perfectly together, like we were made for each other. If only he felt the same.

(George POV)

We got back in bed and Reece's breathing was still shaky. I reached over and held his hand, his fingers intertwined with mine. I laid like this with him until his breathing calmed. I used to have bad nightmares as a kid. Someone being there always helped, so if there's a chance I can help Reece, I'm going to try. After a few minutes of listening carefully, I heard Reece's breathing start to calm down. I let go of his hand and moved closer. I was a little hesitant at first, but I rolled Reece onto his side and moved closer until we were almost pressed up against one another. I put my arm over his side and held his hand. I've done this with Blake before but this felt different. I don't know how, and I don't know why.

"Is this okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, this is good." He replied, hugging my arm in tighter.

He snuggled in closer to me, closing the small space between us. My breath hitched. My heart sped up. My body filled with electricity. What is happening to me?

I was listening to Reece's breathing to see if he was falling asleep. It was starting to even out now. I started to draw circles on his hand with my thumb and buried my head in his hair. I could stay here forever.

I woke up, sun streaming in through the window, Reece lying on my chest, hair a mess, tangled in my bedsheets, wait. Couple steps back.. Reece lying on my chest? I thought after we'd both fallen asleep we'd separate. This is.. Nice though. Why is it nice? I don't like bo- no, we're not going there. You're straight. When was the last time you crushed on a girl? That little annoying voice inside my head said. I just haven't liked anyone in awhile, I don't fall for people easily. I'm straight, I know I am. Then why do you keep questioning it? At this point I wanted to bang my head on the wall and hopefully silence that annoying voice, but I didn't want to wake Reece up, he's so peaceful. Reece stirred a little, rolling over and pulling me on top of him. My head was on his chest, over his heart. I could hear his heartbeat. It was beautiful. He's beautiful. A lot of guys are beautiful, I don't like Reece. Well I like him obviously, just as a friend. Are you sure about that? Go. Away.

"Hm, what?" Reece mumbled sleepily. Awh.

Wait I said 'go away' aloud?

"Nothing, go back to sleep." I whispered.

He made a cute little 'okay' noise and fell back asleep. I don't know how long it was, but we stayed like this, my head on his chest listing to his heartbeat, until he woke up.

A/N - Well things just got a little interesting. See you soon hopefully😪 Lots of love xo

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