Let You Down

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Chapter 29

A/N - Sorry it took so long to update, I was about to pass out last night😁 Enjoy!

Let You Down - NF
"All these voices in my head get loud,
I wish that I could shut them out,
I'm sorry that I let you down,
let you down"

(George POV)

"Stay away from Hailey!" Brent yelled at Blake.

"She's not your girlfriend anymore, get that through your head. You don't own her." Blake yelled back.

"I'm only going to give you one warning. Stay away from Hailey." Brent said through gritted teeth.

"Or what hm? I'm not staying away from my girl, because you said so." Blake said, almost whispering.

If Brent wasn't already pissed, he was now. Brent lifted his hand in the shape of a fist and hit Blake. His fist connected with Blake's eye, knocking him back slightly.

"Leave him alone!" Reece yelled, pushing Brent back.

"Reece." I said softly, but firm.

"Or what?" Brent said as he grabbed Blake's shoulder and punched him in the stomach a few times.

I took a step forward, hands turning to fist. Before I could do anything Reece lunged at Brent, hitting him hard in the nose. Reece grabbed Brent's shirt and pushed him back into the lockers.

"Get off me!" Brent yelled.

Brent pushed him back and hit Reece in the mouth. Reece staggered back and put his hand to his lip. Brent started towards Reece again. I walked in between them and put my arms out.

"Stop it!" I said, then turned to Brent. "Go before I get the principal."

"He-" Brent started.

"Just shut up and go." I interrupted.

Brent stormed off. The halls were empty, class had started. I went over to Blake, he was on the floor holding his stomach.

"Are you okay?" I asked squating down.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Blake answered, putting his hand out.

I grabbed Blake's hand and pulled him to his feet. He winced as I helped him up. I turned to Reece.

"What about you?" I asked softly.

"I'm fine." He said as he started to walk off.

I could see the tears in his eyes. I looked at Blake and told him to go to the nurses office before I went after Reece.

"Reece, wait." I said softly.

"No. Just leave me alone, George." Reece said crying.

I took Reece's hand and led him into the bathroom.

"I'm sorry." Reece said sliding down the wall. "I know I let you down."

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