This Is What It Takes

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Chapter 14

A/N -This is a long one, hope you enjoy!

This Is What It Takes - Shawn Mendes
"'Cause if you don't understand yet,
Then I'll never let you forget,
That you don't have to do this on your own. I'll be your shoulder to lean on,
I'll be your right when you feel wrong.
So come on, take my hand, we're moving on"

(George POV)

Blake and I were sitting next to each other at the fancy restaurant. I still had no idea where we were. I had barely touched my food. I wasn't really hungry. All I could think about was Reece. I like Reece!

"What's wrong George? You've barely touched your dinner." Ellie, my cousin, asked.

"Nothing. I just zoned out." I replied.

I looked at Blake and he mouthed 'are you okay' at me. I nodded and took a bite of my food. I finished my dinner and excused myself and went to the bathroom. A few seconds later Blake joined me.

"You sure you're okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm just- I'm just still trying to wrap my head around all this. I'm not the person I thought I was. I don't know who I am anymore. Do I still like carrots? I don't know anymore! Maybe I like broccoli now!" I said waving my arms around. I tend to do this when I'm confused or stressed.

He laughed at me. "George you're still the same person you were before Reece. You still like carrots, you still hate broccoli. Or even if you don't that's because tastebuds change. Just because you like boys doesn't mean you're not you anymore. You're still the George Stephen Gresley Smith I know and love."

"Thanks Blake." I said hugging him. "What would I do without you?" I asked.

"Luckily you'll never find out." He said laughing. "Come on, let's go back."

We got back to our table and everyone was ordering dessert. I looked at the menu and suddenly got my appetite back. After almost ten minutes of trying to decide and being told to hurry up, I finally decided on the Chocolate Soufflé. I definitely made the right decision.

"What'd you get, Blake?" I asked.

"I don't remember but it's bloody good!" He replied.

I reached over and stole a piece of what Blake was eating and quickly shoved it in my mouth before he could stop me.

"Hey!" Blake said hitting me lightly as I laughed.

I let him steal some of mine cause I felt bad. His dessert was pretty good, but mine was better. I zoned out again thinking about Reece. I wonder what his favourite dessert is. Is he a chocolate guy or more of a plain dessert flavour guy? Blake kicked my leg underneath the table. I looked at him and he nodded his head over to Ellie who was speaking to me.

"Did you hear a word I said?" She asked with a bit of a laugh.

"No. Sorry El." I said.

"How's school going?" Ellie asked me.

"It's good. There's a new kid that just moved here, Reece. He's really nice, we're in a lot of classes together. He also loves music which is good." I said before realising I was rabbiting on about Reece.

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