There For You

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Chapter 50

A/N - Hey y'all! I'm in an amazing mood cause I saw Niall last night so I thought I'd update!! Also my seats were absolutely incredible and he was watching the opening act side stage and he was literally less than 10 feet away from me!!! He was so so amazing!! And he waved at me in Slow Hands! Well, there was a few people waving including me but he waved back! And we made the Irish flag out with our flashlights and it was just incredible! If you want to see the videos from the concert DM me and I'll send you my snapchat! Okay sorry I'm excited I'll let you read the chapter now😂❤️


There For You - Troye Sivan & Martin Garrix
"When your tears roll down your pillow like a river, I'll be there for you, when your screaming but they only hear you whisper, I'll be loud for you"

(Reece POV)

George was sitting in between my legs again, leaning against my chest, watching me scroll through Instagram. It had been quite awhile since he had said anything. I looked down at him and noticed he had fallen asleep. I had to smile. How can one be so bloody adorable? I kept as still as I could, trying not to wake him. I didn't want to sleep yet, I wasn't feeling too great. I'd rather calm myself down a little before I try sleep. While being uneasy doesn't mean I'm going to have a nightmare, I can feel I'm going to. But maybe if I can calm myself down a little it won't be as bad? One can hope. I got out of Instagram and went to candy crush. That distracted me for awhile before I felt a tickle in my nose. Oh no. I'm going to sneeze. Hopefully it's only a small sneeze that doesn't wake G up. I sneezed and George jumped a little, waking up. Dammit. He looked up at me with sleepy eyes.

"I fell asleep?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"Sorry I woke you." I apologised, kissing his head.

I put my phone on my bedside table and slid us both down so we were lying on our backs, George on top of me. He moved off me and laid on his side with his head on my chest. He lies like this whenever I'm going to have a nightmare, but I'm not sure why.

"Why do you always put your head on my chest when I think I'm going to have a nightmare?" I asked.

"Because I can feel you breathing. If it goes unsteady and out of pattern it wakes me up so I can help you." George said, still half asleep.

That hit me. Something I just thought was a coincidence, or something to comfort me, was more than that. It was to make sure he would wake up and be there for me. I honestly don't know what I would do without him. How did I cope without him? I'm actually happy now. I obviously still have my downs, but before I met him, it was always down. I was never happy. I can't even describe how much he means to me.

"Reece, you okay? You've gone quiet." George said lifting his head up to look at me.

I had a tear running down my face. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay." I smiled.

George smiled and wiped away the tear. "Sweet dreams Reece."

"Sweet dreams George." I replied.

I lent down and kissed him lightly, but as passionate as ever.

(George POV)

For a moment I felt like someone was shaking the bed, but I realised it was Reece who was shaking. His breath was shaky and his hand was trembling slightly.

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