Kiss The Boy

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Chapter 26

A/N - Heya! I've made you wait long enough, so here you go! Also this is random af (much like my life), but mamihlapinatapai is a really fun word to say.

Kiss The Boy - Keiynan Lonsdale
"'Cause love is a game we deserve to play out loud, so if you wanna, then you better kiss the boy"

(George POV)

Reece might not want to talk to me, but I want to talk to him. I left school and headed to Reece's house. I was so nervous. I was about to tell Reece how I felt about him. What if I got it wrong? What if he doesn't like me, he thought I was someone else? What if he did like me but then realised he didn't after he kissed me? Nope. I can't do this. I turned around and started walking the other way. I have to. I need to know. I turned back around and continued walking to Reece's house. I tried not thinking about it, but Reece kept popping into my head. By the time I reached his house my hands were shaking. I lifted my hand up to knock on the door and froze. Maybe he's not home. I should leave. No, you have to do this George. I took a deep breath and knocked on his door. What have I done? There was no answer for awhile. I went to turned and run away but Reece opened the door. I stopped breathing.

"Please don't shut the door on me." I said quickly as Reece went to shut it.

Reece took a step back and let me in. My heart was racing, my breathing was uneven, my hands were sweaty and shaky.

"I'm sorry, George, I-" Reece started.

"Please stop talking." I interrupted.

We walked up to his bedroom in silence. It felt like it took ten minutes. Reece sat down on the edge of his bed. I sat down next to him, but far enough away that I wasn't making him uncomfortable. I started to speak when Reece interrupted.

"Can you please let me explain before you say anything?" Reece asked.

I nodded and let him speak. I was fiddling with my hands, a nervous habit of mine.

"I have feelings for you George. I have since the day we met."

My breathing stopped completely.

"I've dreamt about you before, but do you know those really realistic dreams where you don't realise they're actually a dream?" Reece asked, also fiddling with his hands.

I reached over and took Reece's hands in mine, smiling. Reece smiled back.

"Yeah, I do." I answered.

"Well I had one of those, and we were together. And when I saw you this morning I hadn't realised it was a dream. Not until I saw your reaction to me kissing you." Reece said, fiddling with my hands now.

"I-" I started, but Reece interrupted.

"Wait, let me finish. I know I've ruined everything, I wish I could take it back, I'm sorry George." Reece said letting go of my hands.

"I don't. I like you Reece. As more than a friend." I said taking Reece's hands again.

Reece's face lit up.

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