Secret Love Song

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Chapter 56

A/N - Heyo! Idrk what to say so enjoy this chapter!

Secret Love Song - Little Mix
"Why can't you hold me in the street, why can't I kiss you on the dance floor, I wish that it could be like that, why can't it be like that, cause I'm yours, why can't I say that I'm in love, I want to shout it from the rooftops"

(Reece POV)

I decided I would have a sleepover in Lexi's room tonight so I didn't have to be alone. I knew Lexi would enjoy it. I brought my laptop so we could watch a movie before we went to sleep, Lexi chose Cinderella. Everything was going great until we went to sleep. I knew I was going to have a nightmare, I could feel it. I didn't want to wake Lexi by screaming, but if I went to my room I was going to have another panic attack. How fun. Instead, I decided I'd watch movies all night on my laptop. George needed a proper nights sleep, so I decided not to call him. He made me promise I'd call him if I needed him, but I didn't exactly need him- I mean I'll always need George, but I was happy to watch some movies instead of waking my love for no reason. Dad walked past Lexi's open bedroom door. When he realised I was awake he walked back to the door.

"Morning, Reece. Why are you up so early?" Dad asked.

"It's early?" I replied.

I honestly had no idea what the time was.

"It's seven. Have you not slept at all?" Dad asked concerned.

"I didn't want to wake Lexi if I had a nightmare." I said, pausing my movie.

"You should've come told me." He said, walking further into Lexi's room.

I shrugged.

"Reece, sleep is important."

"I'll sleep later."

"Sleep now. Come to the spare room, I'll sit in there and read a book so you're not alone."

"Thanks dad, but you need to leave for work-"

"Work can wait. You're more important." Dad interrupted.

"I'll wait until mums up. I'll be fine dad, go to work." I insisted.

I felt bad making everyone drop everything for me.

"Fine. Call me if you need me." Dad gave in.

"I will. Love you dad."

"Love you too, son."

(George POV)

Sunday went bye extremely slow. And I missed Reece. A lot. When I woke up I definitely didn't reach for him.. Okay I might've. He messaged me at ten saying he was awake, so hopefully he slept well. All day I kept getting snapchat videos of him saying he loves me and misses me, I still haven't stopped smiling since. Oh, did I mention I missed Reece? I know it's only been a day, but I feel like half of me isn't here. The worst part is, I can't even kiss him tomorrow. I wish I could just kiss him at school, at home, and not care who sees, but I can't. I don't even know why. I've accepted my sexuality, I'm even proud of it; it's not that I don't want anyone knowing I'm with Reece, I want to scream how much I love him from rooftops; I know my parents will accept me whether I'm dating a boy, girl or an alien, as long as I'm happy. So what's stopping me? I can't even take Reece out somewhere nice for our first date, even if it's out of town and we'll know no one. Why? Maybe Reece could help, he's been through all this before. I picked up my phone and saw the time, 11pm, I didn't realise how late it was. He might be asleep, so I better not call him. He needs his beauty sleep. Not that he could get anymore beautiful. Maybe I should sleep too. Then Monday will come sooner and I'll get to see Reece. Sleep sounds more appealing now. Hopefully I'll dream of Reece. I love Reece.

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