chapter 46

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I wake up with the sun blinding me. Then I realize today. Is. The. 22 jumpstreet. Premiere.

I start jumping from bed to bed, tweeting a hundred times about it, and now I'm screaming. Brooke wakes up and chucks a pillow at me, which I block. She groans and pull the covers over her head. Hayes wakes up, and does the same thing. "You guys are no fun!" I say throwing pillows at Hayes.
"That's it!" He says picking up pillows and throwing them at me.

"Guys shut up!" Brooke screams. Hayes and I exchange looks and then a smirk spreads across my face. He has his phone in his hand. When he isn't looking, I grab it and dart out the door. He calls my name and I run down to the lobby.

I hide in the room with the vending machines, and went In the space between the vending machine and the wall. I cover my mouth with my hands, and then take selfies until there is no more space to take pictures.

I hear him call my name, and I clamp my hand over my mouth to keep myself from laughing. I eventually just let it all out, and laughed my ass off in the squished space. "Found you" Hayes said helping me out.
"And here is your phone" I say handing it to him. I smirk as he opens his phone. He'll find what I left later. We head back up to the room, hand in hand, and order breakfast.

We decided to go to the beach for a while, and then come back and get ready. The premiere starts at 7, so we have time. I slip on my bathing suit, and grab my beach bag. I wait around for everyone else to get ready, and when they were we headed down to the beach.

We set everything down, and I take off my shirt and shorts. I see Hayes out of the corner of my eye staring shyly. I look at him and say "Take a picture it'll last longer" with a smirk. I walk away and go towards the water. I look back and nash is making all these comments, and Hayes was left speechless.

I jump into the water, feeling the cold against my hot skin. Hayes comes in after and grabs me from behind. "Hey" he mumbles into my neck. He keeps his head nuzzled into my neck, and I shut my eyes, enjoying his presence. I put my hands on top of his, and intertwine our fingers.

Then he turns me around so I can face him. He pulls me into his chest where I rest my head. "I love you Charlotte" he says into my hair.
"I love you Hayes" I say into his chest. His arms are wrapped securely around my waist, and his head is rested on mine. We stay there talking about pointless things, laughing, and I'm having an amazing time.

We get out of the water and head over to the snack bar. We get some fries and a soda, and bring it back to our towels. Brooke and nash are in the water, and of course Hayes has to crack all these dirty comments which I laugh at hysterically.

We go back to the hotel at around 5, and I run into the shower. I'm too excited. I wash my hair and body, and then get out to blow dry my hair. Then I curl it loosely, and move onto my makeup. I don't put on a lot, but more than usual. I go over to my white strapless dress, with diamonds running around the waist line. I have white heels that I slip on, and then I step out of the bathroom. Hayes and nash are already dressed, and Brooke was doing her makeup.

We reassemble, and then decided to head to the premiere. As we are walking, Hayes comes up to my ear and whispers, "you look so amazing". I shiver from his touch, and smile.

We finally arrive, and meet up inside where we meet Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill. I go over, trying not to scream and take pictures and talk to them for a while. Then we talk to a few other actors and actresses, and walk down the red carpet as special guests. Hayes and I walked together, and so did Brooke and nash.

After meeting everyone, we go to the theater and watch the movie. I'm practically jumping out of my seat, so Hayes had to grab my arm to calm me down. The movie started playing and I fell in love.

After the movie, we go to the back of the premiere place where the after party was. There was a DJ, food, famous people, everything. I was so excited. We got a table, and then started dancing.

After dancing for a little while, the music stopped. "Sorry everyone the music system is having technical difficulties it will resume shortly"

Hayes gives me a look, and I know what he's thinking. "No hayes" I said. He wants me to go up there and fix the system.
"Pleassseeee" he whined. He kept begging and begging and eventually I just got sick of it.
"Fine" I said and made my way to the DJ system.

"I think I know the problem. Can I try fixing it?" I ask the DJ. He stepped out of the way and I looked at all the equipment. I twisted a few things, I flicked a few things, and soon it was running fine. He let me do some mixes, and of course I had to play Hayes favorite song.

The DJ gave me his card, and I took it back to the hotel room after the party. It was like 3 am, so I changed quickly into pajamas and hopped into bed. I fell asleep as soon as I made contact with my pillow.


aww this was cutee

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