chapter 40

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omg 40 chapters?!




He cares? Still? I stopped myself from the thought of leaving and going home. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here.

"Well we can't be friends anymore so what's the point?" I ask. I really am glad he cares, and I do to.

"I love you, that's the point" Hayes argued. I saw his eyes look sorta glossy.

"So now what? It's not like you can do anything. I heard the conversation" I say looking at the ground, knowing it was wrong to eavesdrop. His two fingers came under my chin so I was looking at him. I expected him to say something, but he didn't.

He kissed me.

Of course I kissed back, and when we pulled away, his eyes were back to normal. "Look I'm not telling Jordan about what just happened" he said. I smiled and nodded.

"How about we just work on our project tomorrow night instead?" He asks.

"Sure" I say and with that we leave.


Here we are, in march. February was pretty quick, with Matt gone the last week of that month, and he still isn't back yet. Hayes and I have been working on our project almost everyday, and Jordan hasn't gotten mad at him for hanging out with me, because it's her permission, apparently. I walk into homeroom, and Jordan comes up to me.

"Look I know you kissed Hayes" she said. Oh shit. What if she tells?!

"Ok Jordan you have to know it wasn't my intention -" I start to say, until she cuts me off.

"All I have to say is to stay away. The project fine, but any other time -" she started but then I cut her off.

"Believe me, it'll never happen again" I say and walk away, rolling my eyes. She seemed happy.

I caught up with Rachael and she was smiling wide. "What's gotten into you?" I ask.

"I don't know, I'm just happy" she said staring into space. She must of snapped out of it, because she started talking again.

"You know how my birthday is coming up? Like in 3 weeks?" She asks.

"Yes, yes I do" I say smirking. I already have her present, and I'm overly excited to give it to her.

"Well I think Im gonna have a birthday party" she said smirking.

"Oh my god! Yayyy!" I said basically jumping up and down.

"And I need your excellent party skills to help" she said and I gave her a big hug. I love party planning.


today we were planning Rachael's party. We walked home together and went straight to her room to do homework. We wanted to get it done and over with before we started planning.

After, we decided a lot of things. It was going to be the Saturday after her birthday, and her birthday is on a Thursday. We settled on having it in her back yard, and she made me in charge of DJ and music. She knows about me editing, which I'm fine with.

Now it was onto the guest list.

"So I definitely want to invite Brian and some of his friends" Rachael said grabbing a notebook and pen. (A/N: Brian is her boyfriend remember?)

"So who were you thinking?" I ask wanting to know who she was thinking of.

"Well Hayes is Brian's like best friend so is it like ok to invite him?" She asked. I forgot, she doesn't know that Hayes and I have kissed twice.

"Y-yeah it'll be fine" I assure her.

"And by the way I'm not inviting Jordan" she said and I smiled. She knows that I don't like Jordan, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't like her either.

"Ok so we'll give out the invitations on Wednesday so we have a chance to get them in the mail" she said. It was Monday so we already ordered them online. We just need to wait for them to come in.


today we handed out all the invitations, all except one. Hayes wasn't in school today, so of course I was stuck with the job of giving it to him. I don't know when I'm gonna do it, because we aren't working on the project until Friday, so I have to give it to him before them, according to Rachael. I can't even talk to Hayes since Jordan is like glued to his side so she'll probably punch me or something for even coming close to him.

After school I got a text message from nash.

Nash: hey Charlotte my mom was wondering if you could babysit tonight at 5?

Well now I know when I can get it to him. Once I was home, I did most of my homework, but I kept a few worksheets incase Hayes wasn't home.

I walked over and knocked on the door. guess who answered?

"Ugh why are you here?" Jordan snorted. I rolled my eyes and pushed her out of the way to see nash all dressed up.

"Where are you going all fancy?" I ask nash who won't stop smiling.

"I'm taking your sister out" he said.

"Have fun" I said as he left out the door.

I made my way into the kitchen, to see Skylynn coloring a picture with her crayons. "I'm so sorry Charlotte this was kind of last minute and on a school night" she said taking something out of the microwave, probably Skylynn's dinner.

"It's not a problem" I say as she sets Skylynn's dinner in front of her.

"Oh and there is pizza on the way, the money is on the counter" she said and left.

Of course Hayes had to come down all shirtless. "Oh hey I uh- I didn't know you were coming" he said making his way over to the fridge.

"Well here I am" I said sitting next to Skylynn who was in her own little world.

"You can um come and get us when the pizza is here" he said and went back upstairs. I nodded my head and looked at Skylynn coloring. She told me about her drawing, and I smiled at it. She has a crazy imagination.

There was a knock on the door, probably the pizza. I gave the delivery guy money, and set the pizza on the counter. Hayes told me to get him when the pizza is here, but Jordan is here so I'm sure she'll probably punch me or something.

But I did anyway. I told Skylynn I would be right back, went upstairs and found Hayes room. I knocked on his door. No answer. Then I knocked again. Still no answer. I knocked once again, even harder. Still no answer. I opened the door a crack. Jordan and Hayes were kissing. I turned around, not wanting to interrupt them, but of course Jordan had to call my name.

"Charlotte get your ass in here" she said. I turned back around, and went into his room.

"What?" I ask annoyed.

"Why were you coming to Hayes room?" She asked stepping up to me.

"He told me to come and get you when the pizza is here. It's here" I said rolling my eyes.

"Well your not allowed to talk to him so leave" she sneered. I didn't move, I just looked her straight in the eye.

"Fine" she mumbled and pushed me lightly, only so I would take a few steps backwards, out of the room.

"Did you just push me?" I ask stepping back into his room.

"It wasn't the wind" she said, and evil smirk spreading across her face. This time I stepped up to her, and shoved her hard, and she fell on the floor.

"Oops" I said. This time I was the one smirking.

And I saw Hayes smirk too.


Woahhh long chapter

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