chapter 26

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this will be better(;




Christmas break starts tomorrow, and today is our last day of school. It was freezing outside, so today I decided to wear leggings, and a big sweater. I did my hair and makeup, and headed downstairs to meet Hayes outside so we could walk to Starbucks.

"Guess what" he said as our hands interlocked and we began to walk to Starbucks.
"What?" I asked.
"I have your Christmas present" he said and a smirk came across his face.
"Hayes you didn't have to" I said smiling a little.
"Too bad I already did" he said and we both laughed. I already know what to get him. I know he'll love it.

"And I'm going to give it to you on our Christmas date" he said and a wide grin spread across his Face.
"When is it?" I asked excitedly.
"This saturday" he answered. Today is Wednesday, so it wasn't a very long time away.
"And I'll give you your present then because I won't see you until Christmas Day" he said and smiled. I nodded my head and we finally made it to Starbucks.

I saw Jordan and Audrey there talking. Great. The last thing I need is for them to be friends. "Look who it is, the little slut dating for fame" Jordan sneered. I rolled my eyes, and ordered my drink. We headed out of Starbucks quickly, and headed off to school.

I can't wait for Saturday.


Today I was going to Hayes house at 4. It is a weird time, I know but I don't care. Now I have to wait all that time. I woke up at 12, and checked my phone. I had a bunch of notifications from twitter and instagram like usual, but I don't respond. I decided to go downstairs and make myself breakfast.

The house was pretty quiet now, with my parents and brothers gone. Brooke usually sleeps until like 2. And plus she and nash take the bus, and it comes a lot later than when Hayes and I leave the house, so I barely see her then.

I guess it's kinda lonely won't out her, but whatever. I brought my breakfast into the living room, and ate all my breakfast while watching TV.

After I was finished, I went upstairs to wrap Hayes presents. I got him tickets to the 22 Jump street Movie Premiere, a $25 iTunes gift card, a football signed by his favorite team, and a new penny board.

I wrapped them all up nicely, and placed them inside a big bag neatly. I was really proud of my wrapping skills. I decided to take a shower, washing my body with mint body wash, which I was in love with. I got out of the shower, and got dressed in a creme sweater, black leggings, chesnut uggs. My hair was pinned back, and I added a little mascara.

Once I was done, it was already 3:30, so I thought I'd go on twitter for a little bit. I haven't been on totter for a while, and saw a bunch of Hayes tweets from thanksgiving and stuff. They're were a few about me, and they were really sweet.

Soon, it was 3:55 and I decided to walk over. I knocked on the door waiting for an answer. Finally Hayes opened it. I smiled "hey!" I said. He just stood there in the door frame smiling at me. I didn't really know what was happeinimg so I asked.

"Are you going to let me in or what?" I asked. It looked like he was shaken out of his trance and he loosened up, taking my hand. I was wondering what that was all about, him staring at me. I pushed the thought out of my mind, and he led me up to his room.

I can't believe what I saw.


yet another cliffhanger.... And obvi I didn't actually get tickets even though I rlly wish I did:(

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