chapter 3

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this one will be longer I promise(:



I didn't want Hayes to kiss me. He can't. He's still in a relationship and I don't want Audrey to come after me because she seems like the girl who would do that if I kiss Hayes.

I turned my head as soon as his lips were centimeters from mine. "H-Hayes"'I began
"Too soon..." He asked and scratched the back of his neck.

"Well you're still dating Audrey and I don't want to get between you too so maybe if you break up then...." I started to say and then nash came into Hayes room.

"What have you two been doing?" He asked smirking
"Nothing" Hayes and I both said really suddenly and suspiciously.

"Oh well dinner is ready" he said and left. It was kind of awkward between us now.
"So I'm going to break up with Audrey on Monday so maybe we can hang out Friday after school?" He asked

I nodded and we both headed downstairs. Dinner was kinda silent. Brooke and nash seem to be getting along, and my little brother (age 4) is getting along with Skylynn.

After dinner was over we said our goodbyes and headed home. I think I just ruined everything.


Hayes and I barely spoke all weekend. I knew I screwed everything up. I decided to text him.

Charlotte: what time are we walking to school? the usual?

I through my phone on my bed and took a quick shower. I put on a red lifeguard sweatshirt and jean shorts because it was Monday and I was exhausted. I put on my white converse, and put my hair into a messy bun.

I came back out and Hayes texted back.

Hayes: 20 minutes early. I wanna talk to you! see you in a few! xx

He put an x? But were not dating?

Charlotte: ok xx

If he put an x I should too right? Right.

I went downstairs and grabbed a granola bar and ate it on the couch. Social media was blowing up like crazy because of the pictures Hayes and I posted after our selfie session during English.

I didn't have time to even read 3 comments, when Hayes knocked on the door.

We both walked out and started to head to Starbucks before school. It was pretty silent.

"So uh what did you wanna talk about?" I asked breaking the silence.
"Oh uh yeah. Would you want to come to my football game Friday night? Then we could go see a movie or something?" He asked.

"Yeah sure" I said and smiled. "So how are things with you and Audrey?" I asked
"We haven't spoken but I'm going to break up with her today at school" he said and we headed into Starbucks.

We ordered our drinks and sat down. Guess who decided to show up?

"Hayes baby we haven't spoken all weekend what's wrong?" Audrey asked
Hayes took out his phone and showed Audrey the picture. Audrey stayed silent.

"Look Audrey if this is what your going to do, cheat on me, then I don't think we should be dating anymore ok?" He said and I could see his eyes look glossy.

"Fine but I know you'll come back to me when you're done with that" she said and looked at me. I think I'm 'that'.

I actually got pretty offended since Hayes spoke to me first, so I wasn't like taking him. And maybe she is calling me 'that' if Hayes is the one hanging out with me and not her. I don't know. I put my head in my hands. She gives me headaches.

"Charlotte? Don't let Audrey get to you ok?" He said and put his hand on my shoulder.
"She gives me the worst headaches" I said and we both laughed at my pain.

We finished our drinks and headed to school. We talked the whole time. About his football game. About what movie we would see. Everything.

Audrey gave me the death stare every time I'd pass her, and she'd bump me in the halls.

The week blew past and before I knew it, it was Friday. Hayes was waiting outside and we walked to school. His hands brushed against mine and it gave me butterflies in my stomach.

School went by quickly with the same boring classes. After school Hayes and I walked home.

"Ok be at the field at 5:30 and the game starts at 6. I'll text you and maybe we can walk together?" He asked
"Sure thanks" i said and I walked inside.

I took another shower and put on leggings, a PINK sweatshirt, sperrys, and put my hair in a side braid. When I was done I had a text message from Rachael.

Rachael: hey! you going to the game tonight?

Charlotte: yeah! see you there! I have sm to tell you!

I finished my homework and by that time it was about 5:15. I went on social media and read all the tweets and comments on pictures with us together.

Before I knew it Hayes knocked on the door. I rushed downstairs and opened the door. We walked to the field and I saw Rachael. I sat next to her on the bleachers as we watched the team gear up and practice.

"So what brings you here?" I ask Rachael
"Brian. He invited me" she said pointing out Brian. "What about you?" She asked
"Hayes invited me. We're going to a movie after" I said and that's when the other team piled on to the field.

We watched them practice for a half hour until the game started. Football isn't that hard to understand, so I had to explain everything to Rachael while she and I cheered for Hayes and Brian every time they made a play.

Finally the first quarter was over. Rachael and I went down to give them drinks. "Good job Hayes!" I said handing him a Gatorade.

"Thanks" he said and drank the whole bottle.
"Should I get more?" I asked and laughed. He nodded his head and Rachael and I walked over to the vending machine.

We got 3 more for each of them this time. We sat down on the bleachers just in time for the next quarter.

The rest of the football game we gave them each a drink at the end of every quarter.

Finally the game was over and Hayes went over to the locker room to shower. I waited out side the school for him to finish and Audrey came up to me.

"What'd you do to make Hayes breakup with me?" She asked
"Nothing" I said simply

"Ok then why did he?" She asked
"Well he saw a picture of you and someone kissing" I said not even looking up from my phone.

"Ok and what did you do?" She asked again.
"I comforted him" I said

She sighed and walked away. Hayes came outside. "What was that about?"
"Nothing" I said and got up from my phone.

We got up and headed to the movie. Hayes hand kept brushing against mine, and then they locked together.

At the movie, hayes ordered a large popcorn&soda, and I got my own popcorn and soda considering I knew he would eat it all.

We decided to see the movie "ride along". It was so funny, we were basically laughing the entire time.

After the movie was over we decided to head back home since it was 11:30 and our parents would probably be asking soon.

"Thanks for inviting me" I said to him as we approached my door.
"No prob. I'll text you tomorrow" he said and kissed my cheek.

What does that mean? I've never really had a boyfriend before so I've never felt this way before.

I kinda like it.


thanks for reading! & I feel like this is kinda long but idk. vote&comment!

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