Distraction part 1

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Request from Mystic_Danti_Star

|Anti, a shy , straight A , secondary school sweetheart who never seems to fail at anything to do with tests , but all this changes when he meets the new kid Dark |


3rd person POV

Anti hugged the various books close to his chest , adjusting his glasses that fitted his blue/green eyes so well . He did his best to avoid any eye contact with anyone as he made his way down the halls to his next class . But he did occasionally wave or say 'hi' once he saw one of his few friends

As soon as he sets foot in class , his eyes land on a stranger , around his age , talking to the teacher .

He had raven black hair that was dyed red at the end of his fringe that hung over his face , just over one of his eyes , which speaking off ,were black with beautiful deep red irises. He had a pretty tanned skin complexion and looked toned as hell , his body was one that many aspired to be like , like his jawline literally looked like it could cut diamonds .

"Oh Anti! I'm glad your here " his teacher, Mrs. Duncombe , smiled at him , seemingly relieved

"I was hoping I could sit Dark next to someone who was well behaved and could set a good example and your perfect for that . You wouldn't mind him sitting next to you right?" Anti looks towards the stranger , who he know knew was named Dark , his eyes meeting his

Dark smiled at him lightly, and a very light shade of pink blush appeared on Anti's cheeks

"O-Of course miss.." he stutters out , breaking away from the slightly taller males gaze towards his teacher

"Great! Well then you two get your stuff out and ready while I just set up for today's lesson " she turned to her laptop , her fingers dancing across the mouse pad and keyboard .

Anti shuffles over to his seat , the one right at the back next to the window, and Dark followed , setting himself down right beside Anti .

As Dark only had to get out a pencil case , since he had no books yet, he just sat back in his chair with his hands resting on his stomach, intertwined together.

This gave the smaller of the two a chance to secretly get a better look at him , figuring he was a punk due to the piercings , clothes he was wearing and the sleeve tattoo he could see from his sleeves being rolled up

Little did he know that he himself was also secretly being looked at by Dark , he smiled slightly at how nervous and shy he seemed to be and how his style was simple...yet still made him attractive. Not to mention the glasses , the choker , the piercings in his ears ,the tattoo that was on his arm and his feminine like body gave him plus cuteness points

"So ...your names Anti huh? " Dark suddenly said , surprising the green haired male slightly since he wasn't expecting the hot stranger to interact with him at all

"U-Uhm , yea-a........I-is that a bad thing"

"Not at all , in fact I like it , it's unique " he flashed another smile at Anti , who's heart flipped at the compliment, since no one had said that about his name

"T-Thank you ...y-your name I-is unique and c-cool too " a deep chuckle that was smoother than melted chocolate came from Dark's mouth

"Thanks. " he simply says , looking over briefly to see other students of all shapes and sizes enter .

For the rest of the lesson, the two talk , not loudly and as the teacher was , but as they worked , it was hidden from all the other chatter among the class . They talked about a few things , like video games , themselves and things that they liked

At the end when the bell rang and everyone but them rushed out they were the last left in the class , since Anti had opted to show Dark around, and they wanted to talk more . Dark briefly stops him and hands him a folded piece of paper

"You seem cool , so I thought I'd give you this cutie " Anti blushed and slowly took it from him , unfolding it to see what it read , his eyes widening and his blush deepening when he saw it was a phone number.

"W-Why are you g-giving-g me your phone number " Anti asks , looking up at him. He smirked softly, not in a cocky or smug way , but in a happy way. He leans towards Anti to give him a kiss on the cheek

"Cuz I'm interested in you , silly " he dates simply, and heads over to the door that leads out the class , leaving a shocked and blushing Anti in the room

Dark turns behind him, chuckling again

"You comin' clover " he used that nickname when he figured out Anti was Irish. Anti snaps out of his shocked trance

"Y-yea" he walks over to him and begins explaining about the school

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