Rivals or lovers?

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|Two groups of pirates, both sides hate each other, but two pirates from those groups love one another, unfortunately having to hide it |



3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

"Are you sure your able to sneak out ? You said that you almost got caught yesterday?" The Dark haired male asks, looking at Anti who was laying beside him in the big hammock they had made. Anti nodded in response.

"Yea. I was just rushin' yesterday, I promise I was ok though." Anti gave him that award winning smile, which made Dark's heart skip a beat.

"But thanks for looking out for me." Anti muttered slightly, a little shy since he was so close to the male.

Although the two didn't know it, both were hugely in love with one another and they would probably have a great relationship...

If it weren't for the rivalry of their captains/fellow crew members.

Dark was a part of Captain Darwin's ship who mainly focused on brute strength itself to over come their enemies.

Meanwhile Anti was apart of Captain Annabelle's ship. She was a clever woman who mostly relied on tactics and tricks to defeat her enemies.

The two had been enemies for years , and they were both as equal as each other, just as popular, just as rich and just as powerful. Now you'd think at least once they'd try and talk and work things out and together become a deadly gang of pirates, bit of course not, since pirates only settle things via fights.

The two eventually had to say goodbye and head back to their ships, they always left one another with a long hug where they simply enjoyed the company of one another and stayed close and reluctantly pulled away to go back to their pirate lives and be 'enemies ' again.

{*Time skip brushes it's teeth as it is morning *}

The shouting and heavy footsteps of many people is what woke Dark up , making him sit up immediately despite being somewhat half asleep . He stumbled out of his sleeping quarters only to find his fellow crew running about, setting up cannons and grabbing guns. Dark rushed over to someone

"What's happening?" Dark asks frantically, being handed a gun and sword.

"Captain Annabelle and 'er crew have attacked!"

Dark froze , almost as if time froze itself.

'That can't have be right...Anti would've told me-' but before Dark could question any further in his mind he was being shouted at and commanded to fight .

Crew members from both sides started boarding and fighting on the ships . Dark ran up the planks , jumping and landing on the opposite crews ship, his own crew following and immediately going into battle.

However Dark was looking around desperately for Anti, hoping he could find him, unfortunately he got caught up in a fight, distracting him.

However during said fight he made eye contact from on the other side of the ship, the slightly younger males eyes read nothing but sorry and guilt. However it quickly turned to worry when he got into a fight with one of Darwin's strongest crew members.

Dark was quick to run over , doing his best to get there before his friend got hurt.

Anti was kicked to the ground, a sword raised high before it was about to be plunged into him, he closed his eyes, anticipating the pain.

However , the pain never came as Dark had 'accidentally ' bumped into the male who was about to stab him, giving him enough time to escape. Although Dark did get a deathly glare from end male he bumped into he didn't care, Anti was safe after all.

{*Time skip runs away *}

Dark climbed up the hill that lead to where him and Anti met up. Once reaching the top he was surprised to find Anti was there before him. Sitting on the hammock with his head hung low.

"I-I'm so sorry..." Anti apologised, hugging himself as tears threatened to fall.

"For w-"

"Not telling you, what else? I-I wasn't told anything till today when we actually fought...but I knew something was up ...yet I still didn't tell you..." Anti whimpered out.

"Anti it's not your fault.." Dark sat beside him, , wrapping his arms around his friend, who immediately hugged him back, crying lightly into his chest.

However the moment was interrupted by Dark wincing, causing Anti to reel back.

"What's wr-" he then noticed a rip in the males sleeve and a cut on his shoulder.

"Someone of your crew cut me while in a fight, but it's ok, it'll heal-"

"Unbutton it."


"Unbutton your shirt, The cut needs something around it." Anti repeated, already taking off the bandana around his head.

Dark hesitated before doing so , unbuttoning it just enough so that he could slip one end off to reveal his injured shoulder.

Anti wrapped his bandana around the cut , making sure it's not too tight.

"There, better?" Anti asks , looking up at Dark who was admiring him. Dark blinked, blushing before glancing away.

"O-oh yea sorry ." He rubbed the back of his neck.

Anti smiled, he gently laid down Dark, laying beside him with his arm around the males slightly bare torso.

The two laid together , content with each other in their embrace.

"Dark...do you reckon..we could ever escape from our ships?" Anti asks

"Just imagine, just the two of us , on our own island with our own house, or on the mainland, with a place to stay by the sea...we wouldn't have to worry about being enemies..." Anti smiled fondly at the thought.

"T-That does sound nice .." Dark sat up, pulling his sleeve up.

"You ok Dark?" Anti asks, sitting up as well.

"...I-I would love to do that , but there's something I want even more."

"Oh...w-what is it?"

"T-To be your lover..." Dark rubbed his arm , looking at Anti who's face radiated shock. He immediately kissed Dark, cupping his face with a bright smile, Dark of course kisses him back, humming happily.

Once the two broke away from the kiss Anti laid on Dark's chest, both hugging the other close.

"We...we could just stay here you know." Dark recommended.

"Don't tempt me...I'd love to, but they'd find us here, we need somewhere they wouldn't ever go."


"....why don't we get a large boat of our own and head in any direction and wherever we land first is where we'll stay."

"..that sounds..daring..I like it." Anti giggles

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