Your my Boo

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| So , I recently watched the whole of Danny Phantom again and my lord do I miss this show, it was my childhood! So inspired by that I had decided to do a one shot about it . Hope you enjoy |

| After a night of ghost hunting, he's taking a friend of his home , when some out of this world things happen.|

3rd person POV

Dark was just fourteen when his parents built a very strange machine that was designated to view a world unseen .

When it didn't quite work, his folks they just quit ,then Dark took a look inside of it ,there was a great big flash
every thing just changed and his molecules got all rearranged.

When he first woke up he realized he had snow white hair and glowin' red eyes he could walk through walls, disappear, and fly he was much more unique than the other guys. It was then Dark knew what he had to do he had to stop all the ghosts who were coming through .

Because he was Dark Phantom.

And as we speak he was currently fighting off Skulker

And as we speak he was currently fighting off Skulker

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|This guy|

"Come back here ! You call me a coward HA! Your the one flying ghost boy!" Skulker exclaimed as he flew through the sky after Dark, who was far more nimble than him.

"Oh I'm not flying away from you " Dark said simply, a confident smirk on his face as he took a sharp turn around the corner.

"What-" as Skulker followed him around the corner, he was surprised to find the ghost boy's friends, Anti and Tucker both holding some sort of gun which probably had Fenton somewhere in the name due to the fact that Dark's parents always seemed to have it in the name .

They flick it on and point it towards him , a blue beam shooting out of it and towards Skulker.

"NOOO!!! "The ghost shouted, getting flung far from the humans and right into the Fenton Flasks' (which is what they captured the ghosts with) grasp, sucking him in.

Dark screwed the lid back on and flew back down to his friends .

"I think that's the last ghost of the night." Tucker says , placing his hands on his sides.

Almost as if to be summoned , the box ghost, out of no where , pops out .

"BEWARE! For I am the box ghost!" The harmless ghost shouted .

"BEWARE! For I am the box ghost!" The harmless ghost shouted

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|this bitch.|

"You just had to say it didn't you." Anti says in his usual gothic fashion , with the roll of his eyes he grabs the flask from Dark and opens it , pointing it at the box ghost and pressing the button, the harmless yet annoying ghost being sucked in immediately.

He screwed on the lid and huffed .

"Ok now-"

"Don't . Say. It ." Anti says suddenly , placing his finger on Tuckers lips to stop him, making Dark chuckle.

"Do you want me to take you guys home?" Dark asks, looking at the two .

Tucker was about to accept when he remembered that Anti had a huge crush on Dark, and this would be a perfect moment for him.

"No thanks Dark, I'll just ride on my scooter, my house ain't that far anyways ."

"You sure Tuck? You know it's no problem."

"Yea yea. Night you two!" The male said as he drove away on his scooter, shooting Anti a cheeky grin before he left.

Anti was about to shoot Tucker a glare but stopped when Dark asked him.

"Want me to carry you? "Dark offers, making the smaller male blush.

"I-I Uhm..well I don't think that's necessary, I-I'm probably really heavy as well a-"

Anti broke off with a squeak when Dark suddenly picked him up bridal style, making his blush deepen.

"See, your as light as a feather ." Dark says with his amazing smile that made Anti feel gayer every time.

Dark started flying to Anti's house, giving Anti the perfect chance too admire the male as they flew through the sky.

They soon enough reach Anti's place , and Dark sets him down inside his room.

"There you go , back home safe and sound."

"T-Thanks Dark." Anti says shyly.

Dark smiled at the male , who smiled back.

"You should really smile more, it suits you. " Dark says sweetly, blushing softly himself.

Anti blushed more, about to reply when his mother bursting into the room, thankfully Dark had gone invisible just in time.

"Anti what are you doing out of bed??" She asks , her voice like that of a banshee

"Oh I was j-just Uhm... writing a poem about the night! Y-You know, typical Goth stuff." Anti lied , stuttering a little.

His mother sighed.

"Anti , could you at least try to be like most people, and not a dark and grumpy goth, it's unnatural., perhaps you could take up sports , or art or-"

Anti's happy expression turned angry within seconds .

"No I can't because this is how I am !" He shouts , going over and  forcing her out the room ,slamming the door on her.

He huffed , turning around too see Dark looking at him , looking concerned for him.

He sighed and went over , looking down .

"Anti.." Dark says softly, catching Anti's attention just enough to make him look at him

Dark pulls him into a hug, pressing his lips against Anti's.

Anti gasps softly, but kisses him back , smiling softly as he had wanted this for awhile.

The two pulled away slowly, both still hugging.

"Anti never ever change , I love you for you and his unique you are...never forget that."

Anti nods , leaning up and kissing Dark's cheek.

"I love you too Dark.." he says softly.

Reluctantly the half ghost pulled away, blowing Anti a kiss before flying off.

They both had smiled brighter than the moon.

|By the way just in case you have anything you'd like to watch for free the website I watched it from is called ' Watchcartoonsonline.' It's honestly great , plus you can watch shows that aren't on anymore, shoes that are still on and even anime and movies!|

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