Your my Treasure part 2

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|After finding a way to make their dreams come true, Dark returns to Anti|


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3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

Anti each day and night sat on a rock that over looked the glittering ocean , waiting for the day he'd see the man he'd fallen for sailing towards him, oh how we dreamed of that day...

Today his dream would come true.

Anti of course missed Dark , and whenever he doubted if Dark would ever came back he'd clutch the necklace, remembering the promise he had made to him.

He sighed, noticing it was getting late, he'd probably have to sleep soon.

He went to slip back into the water when his ears picked up on a faint voice, he looked up .

And oh what a sight it was . It wasn't the massive ship that Dark owned before , instead it was a small boat with a tiny sail on it which Dark was sailing over to Anti, the biggest grin on the human's face.

Anti gasps , swimming over as fast as his tail could carry him.

The two met each other in the middle, embracing one another and smashing their lips together in a passionate kiss, though the two were smiling so much they could barely kiss properly.

They pulled away, resting their foreheads together.

"I missed you so much." Dark said in a hushed voice, tears bubbling in his eyes.

"Oh god don't start crying, or your gonna make me cry." Anti says with slight amusement in his voice, knowing full well he was already getting emotional .

"S-Sorry ." Dark chuckles, wiping away his tears with the back of his hand.

"Oh! I have something for you." Dark exclaimed , digging through his bag before pulling out a vial.

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