Cool off

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|On a hot summers day the two males decide to go on a cold date to cool off |



3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

"Itt'sss sooo hoootttt." Anti groans in frustration and slight annoyance , laying on his stomach in his boxers on the leather sofa, a fan on him at full power.

It was true, this year the heat had been hotter than usual (*cough* global warming*cough *) and not only that, the winters are predicted to be colder as well. Though Anti would much rather be cold that hot, then he could snuggle with Dark in all his jumpers and thermal clothes next to a fire drinking hot chocolate and watching movies.

But noooo, it had to be sweltering hot and he had to wear thin clothes that made him feel sweaty and he couldn't even cuddle Dark without it feeling like he was hugging the sun, especially since his boyfriend seemed always warm.

Speaking of , Dark had it even worse than Anti due to the fact he was always warm, rarely ever wearing a shirt in the summer . Though he found a way of dealing with it quite well .

Suddenly, a singular ice cube was placed on Anti's back, causing Anti to jolt at the sudden coldness but soon relax at the refreshing feeling.

"Does that help?" Dark asks, kneeling on the floor besides his boyfriend, holding an ice pack on himself , earning a nod from the slightly smaller male.

"Mhm, soooo good ." Dark chuckles slightly.

"Hey , why don't we go to the beach , then we can sit in some shade, swim in the cold sea and more." Dark recommends.

"Hmm...I'll go on one condition."

"What's that?"

"We get ice cream." Dark laughs at his boyfriend but nods.

"Yes we'll get ice cream." Dark says, making Anti sit up , making the sound of ripped tape when he removed his bare skin from the sofa , the ice cube sliding down his back, making him shiver.

{*Time skip hands you some ice cream*}

Once the two got to the beach the first thing they did was go swimming, slashing one another and just playing really. Once they were done with that they sat wrapped in s big towel under a large umbrella licking at their ice cream .

Anti being the little shit he was he booped Dark's nose with his ice cream, earning a playful glare from Dark. But Dark got him back by stealing a bit of Anti's ice cream, causing the male to pout.

Now the two were walking hand in hand along the beach , the beaches cool ocean breeze blowing over them as they swung their hands slightly .

"Today was nice." Dark says , breaking the silence.

"Mhm, thanks for recommending this to me." Anti smiled softly at his lover , who of course smiled back.

"No problem love , I'm just glad we could spend this day together."

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