It's Saturday night part 1

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| Dark Iplier , a man who stole the Devil's key is now a wanted man for many greedy people who want their hands on it , but Dark wasn't going to let that happen so easily|

3rd person POV

"Breaking news the ancient artefact known as the ' Devil's key' has been stolen , it was said to be as much as one million dollars , nothing is really known of the key , except that is originates from thousands of years ago , at the s-"

As the news on the TV plays , careful footsteps go through the expensive house as robbers sent from a big criminal mind , walk through. They one of many who are after one thing , and one thing only

The Devil's key .

And one person had it , he was an ever known person in the criminal world , but hidden to those in regular society.

Dark Iplier.

As we speak he was getting dressed into a clean black suit , to greet a special certain someone

The robbers whom were roaming through his house were approaching the bathroom, running water could be heard from the bathroom

They all were waiting for the signal of the leader of them all so they could storm in and surprise Dark...

Ping! The notification sound on Dark's phone went off , surprising the robbers

The sound of water stopped and stepping out was Dark , fixing his sleeves on his collar , buttoning up his button up that his the Devil's Key in which he wore around his neck, he spotted the group of strangers in his house in which were now frozen on the spot

Dark smiled , heading over to his desk in which his phone was on , he looks at the notification

Antibaby: I'll be there soon , can't wait to see you Darky. I love you ~ 💜💙🖤

Dark smiled softly , typing a response

DaddyDark: I can't wait to see you too sweetheart, I love you too 🖤❤️🖤

Dark grabs his tie on the desk next to his phone and ties a knot in it , making a lasso of sorts

Been traveling in packs that I can't carry anymore
Been waiting for somebody else to carry me
There's nothing else there for me at my door
All the people I know aren't who they used to be

And if I try to change my life one more day
There would be nobody else to save
And I can't change into a person I don't wanna be, so
Oh, it's Saturday night, yeah

Suddenly he whipped around and the tie wrapped around the leader of the groups neck and threw the tie into the running fan , and as it caught it chisels the man to death , the others looked at each other in surprise

I pray for the wicked on the weekend
Mama, can I get another amen?
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh, it's Saturday night, yeah

They charged to him , but Dark was prepared, a they try to stab or hit Dark with their weapons he'd only use them against them , stabbing each other and what not

Dark grabs some people, throwing them all over his room

Once everyone in the room at the moment was taken care off Dark heads back into the bathroom, combing back his hair, smirking lightly as he sees someone try to sneak up on him through the mirror

Swear to God, I ain't ever gonna repent
Mama, can I get another amen?
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh, it's Saturday night, yeah

Just before they could get him , Dark grips them by their neck tightly, lifting them off the ground slightly as they squirmed , desperate for air

Dark throws them out the window with little to no effort , alarming the strangers in the living room , who were looking around obviously scared now by the sounds from upstairs

They whipped around just in time to see one of them thrown through a door , sliding over , soon followed by Dark who slipped some sunglasses on , he flipped on a switch , which powered on a huge speaker embedded into the wall

And every morning when I wake up
I wanna be who I couldn't say I'd ever been
But it's so much more than I ever was
If every night I go to sleep knowing

Dark slipped his electric guitar over his shoulder, slamming his fingers through the strings to create a loud sound that boomed through the speakers , knocking over and probably deafening some of the robbers

He dragged one of them over to the kitchen and placed them against the side of the counter , another robber was standing in front of him with a crowbar , shaking . But who could blame him , Dark was a force to be reckoned with

Dark smirked more , throwing his sunglasses off his face and onto the man opposite himself, coincidentally they land perfectly on his face .

That I gave everything that I had to give
Then it's all I could've asked for
I've been standing up beside everything I've ever said, but

He grabbed the man's hand , the one who he'd brought in that is , and placed it on the chopping board , grabbing a large butchers knife and slamming it down onto the man's hand , completely separating it from the arm , the man letting out a blood curdling scream

Dark looks up at the man and simply says with a wicked smirk

"Oh, it's Saturday night , yea"

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