We Love You

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|Anti and Dark adopt a girl called Evelyn and they teach her that life isn't so bad at all.|

Fluff and maybe some angst (and feels)


3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

The sound of the front door opening and two pairs of footsteps walking in signified that Dark and Evelyn were home.

"Hi honey! Hi love!" How was your day ?" Anti greets , going over , Sammy in his arms and pecking Dark's cheek and the top of his twelve year old daughters head.

"It was fine, I guess." Evelyn muttered .

"Evelyn! Huggies!" Sam made grabby hands for her older sister. Evelyn however just shook her head and headed upstairs, closing the door of her room.

"H-How was she when you picked her up?" Anti asks, a clear sign of concern in his voice.

"She...she was being followed by this group, I think they may have been talking about her...I tried asking her in the car but she just said it was nothing.." Dark explained, concern in his voice as well.

"I think we need to have a talk..with her." Dark suggested, hanging his coat up and taking his six year old daughter in his arms.

"Is Evelyn Okies Dad?" She asks .

"We...we unfortunately don't know, but I'm sure you can help yo cheer her up Sammy, can't you." Dark smiled at her, bopping her little button nose that oh so closely resembled Anti's.

Sammy gasps, seeming to get an idea, when Dark set her down she ran off into her play room.

{* Time skip admires their new clothes*}

As the two males had started making dinner, both sneaking kisses and sweet comments to one another. Or at least they did that till they started hearing a muffled sound coming from somewhere.

The two rose a brow at one another .

"Is it Sammy?" Anti asks. Dark went over to the young girls playroom, peering in. She was laying on the floor, playing , seeming to be colouring something.

"Sammy, did you say something?" Dark asks.

"Nope." She answers, popping the p.

Dark walked back into the kitchen with Anti, telling him it wasn't Sam.

"Then..oh no." Anti glances upstairs before bolting it out the kitchen and up the stairs, Dark hot on his tail.

Anti knocks on the door of the young teens door.

"Evelyn honey, can I come in?" He asks .

"No! Go away!" She shouts , the muffled sound becoming clearer.

As much as the fathers didn't want to upset their daughter , or invade her privacy , they knew they had too in this case.

Inside the room was Evelyn sitting beside her bed, her head in her hands as she cried , she was covering her mouth as if she didn't want anyone to hear.

The two rushed to her side, both trying to calm her down and comfort her despite the fact she was trying too push them away.

"Evelyn please, what's wrong, you c-"

"What's wrong is the fact that I don't feel as if I belong here!" She suddenly shouted.

Everything seemed to pause at that moment.

"W-What do you mean?" Dark asks the darkly dressed girl.

"I m-mean that I still feel weird calling you both dad, I-I...I miss my old family, my Padre and Madre and my two brothers.... w-why couldn't I have died in that crash." She took a breath, her breathing pattern messed up due to the crying.

"And people at school are just fucking jerks. They make fun of me being Mexican, the fact I dress in all black and the fact I'm adopted by you two..." she sniffed, tears still flowing down her face.

"Oh Evelyn....don't say that...your family wouldn't have wanted you too die , and I'm sure they're up in heaven, smiling down at you . And it's perfectly ok if you don't feel comfortable calling us your dads, you could call us by our names, we won't mind." Anti wiped away her tears with his thumb.

"And fuck those people, their just jealous that you have such an amazing culture to call your own, plus you can rock all black unlike them, they'll look like trash bags of they did. And so what if your adopted? At least you have two parents who love you and a little sister who wants nothing else but to make you happy." Dark smiled down at her .

Before Evelyn could reply, Sammy came bounding up the stairs, a filter piece of card in hand.

"I made you something Evelyn! I hope it makes you feel better." She hands her older sister the card, her excitement clear.

The whole card had stickers and cut out hearts and such on it, , it read 'You are ...' .

Evelyn rose a brow and opens the card, her eyes widening at what was inside.

Inside was a drawing of them all , all holding hands with the words . "FAM." At the top and 'ILY' at the bottom. The ILY coloured in pinks, purples and blues.

"Awwww." The two males said, their hearts practically warming up at the sweet gift.

Evelyn...smiled softly. Opening up her arms who happily hugged her, Evelyn hugging her back.

{*A few months later*}

"Eve c'mon! Your breakfast is calling!" Sammy called , smiling proudly at the breakfast she had helped Anti and Dark make for Evelyn.

"I'm coming!" Evelyn slipped on her socks before rushing downstairs .

Her room had changed slightly, yes it was still mainly dark colour wise, but on her wall there were some photos strung about. One of them was an old photo with her old family, meanwhile there was one right beside it with her new family.

And in her bedside table was the card Sam had made, it opened up so she could see the drawing.


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