A Pair of Star Crossed Lovers part 2

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Dark's POV

I smiled at that , kissing my boyfriend softly. Cupping his pale face . He smiled, kissing me back and tangling his fingers in my hair.

The passionate kiss lasted awhile, as we both wanted to stay like that forever, but we reluctantly pulled away, panting lightly.

"God I wish we could do this all the time..instead of having to sneak off and only do it whenever we have a ball or something." Anti whispered , glancing down sadly.

3rd person POV

Dark cups Anti's face, making him look at him.

"Hey don't worry, remember in a weeks time that will all be behind us and we can live together." Anti smiled a little at that, hugging him.

"Your right. We just need to last a little longer." Anti said as Dark hugged him back.

The two had found a way to sneak off . In a weeks time there was going to be the opening of a new train station and the first hundred people too have gotten tickets would get a free ride ! And thankfully thanks to Anti's Nanny and Die , they had managed to get tickets, and as they knew their parents were busy that day, they would sneak there and take the train, both free from their constricting families.

"I can't wait, we can do so much more when we're away! Plus more ...intimate things as well." Anti whispered the last part just loud enough for Dark to hear.

"Oh really? Like what?" Dark asks with a small smirk, already knowing what Anti meant. Anti giggles, smirking as well.

"You know exactly what I mean cheeky,you just want me to say it so I get flustered ." Anti stick hos tongue out at Dark.

"But your so cute when your all flustered " Dark muttered in his lover's ears as he kisses along Anti's jawline, humming softly against Anti's skin.

"D-Darky not now , we have to wait." Anti playfully hits him, giggling more.

"But I've missed you , and it's not like you haven't tried this on me before in the past " Dark whispered, blowing a raspberry in Anti's neck, causing him to squeal .

"Well one time it worked."

"Yea and that time you went home with a sore ass , not being able to walk." Dark added with a chuckle, Anti meanwhile had to cover his mouth to stop himself from laughing to loudly.

"Ok ok fine. We can be a little intimate." Anti whispered in Dark's ear. Dark smirked and continued to kiss at Anti's neck, going for his sweet spot which made Anti bite his lip, blushing as Dark had remembered.

"Did I ever tell you how gorgeous you looked covered in marks ?" Dark asked, making Anti shake his head as he unbuttoned two of Dark's top buttons.

"Well you looked fucking gorgeous." Dark growled playfully, making Anti shiver, closing his legs as his *ahem* felt funny. But Dark wasn't having that, he spread his boyfriends pudgy thighs apart and pulled him closer so both their lower hands were flushed together, making both of them groan and moan .

Unfortunately..the two were enjoying one another's company so much that they didn't hear the footsteps coming down the corridor or the door opening...

"WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU TWO DOING!" Anti's father voice boomed throughout the room, startling the two , who at the time were kissing, and causing them to freeze in place, looking towards him .

The man stormed over, his wife and Dark's parents at the door...they looked just as furious..

Anti's father pulled them apart, and immediately started scolding Anti , his wife joining him.

"Anti what a stupid thing you did! Why on earth were you doing such things with that horrible Iplier-" before his mother could go any further Anti cut in.

"He's not horrible! And he has a name, it's Dark!" Anti shouted at her , growing angry as she insulted Dark.

"Don't shout at your mother like that you silly boy!" His father shouted back, but louder , slamming his fist onto the desk.

Meanwhile Dark was glancing at Anti while being scolded himself, seeing he was clearly angry at his father....but also that he was about to cry ...

Dark immediately went over to Anti upon seeing this, going past his father as he sat beside Anti on the desk, hugging him close as he pulled the smaller male onto his lap, rocking him slightly.

"I-it's ok baby , let it out ." Dark whispered in his most softest voice to Anti.

Anti soon enough started to cry, hiding his face in Dark's chest , soaking it a little. But Dark didn't care , he just stroked Anti's hair , humming softly.

Anti's father was going to pulls them apart again but Anti's Nanny stepped in before he could.

"Can't you see he's upset already! Leave him alone you horrible man! " she shouted.

"Why should I ! Anti is suppose to be Marrying Gerald!"

"Gerald is a lying scum bag who only cares for the looks in his lover's , Dark cares for your boy! He even planned to run away with him so they could be happy!"

Both pairs of parents gasped.

"You were!?" Dark's mother asked her son.

"Yes, all both are so caught up in your ways in hating in one another for what reason? It's petty." Dark argued back simply.

" I completely agree ." Another voice broke through them all, making them all turn to see who it was.

It was the Die's father...the king.

He strolled over too the two males who were clinging to one another .

"You both cause so much trouble, fighting and bickering like children over a toy." He scolded the heads of the houses, making them look away in guilt and slight embarrassment.

"What is so wrong with these two being together." He asked both the heads of the families.

"Well...he's a Iplier." Anti's family responded.

"And he's a Septic.." Dark's family continued.

"What's in a name? After all a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet , would you hate your own lover's is they were called by a name you supposedly hated?"

The all looked at their lover's. shaking their heads.

"Exactly. So sort out this silly quarrel that's Ben going on for too long , and leave these boys be, who knows, this could be the start of something amazing." And with that he left, leading everyone but Dark and Anti out the room.

"D-Did that actually happen.." Anti asked, shocked.

"I-I think so.." Dark said , even more in disbelief.

They both smiled brightly, immediately kissing one another.

This was going to be the start of something great .


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