All i want for Christmas is.....

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| All Anti wanted for Christmas is for Dark to come home. And it looks like his wish came true.|



3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

Normally around the holidays people were cheery, excited about spending time with the ones they lived, getting and giving presents, eating all that yummy food , children staying up late to see Santa and parents who are filled with joy when they see their children open the presents they had wanted .

But unfortunately...Anti wasn't very holly jolly this time , normally he would be, he'd be blasting Christmas songs throughout the house while he sang along, he'd be decorating everywhere and baking the most delicious things . And yes he did those things ...but there was one thing missing .


Dark's work had suddenly decided that they were going to travel someplace to do work there, of course Dark didn't want to go, he begged to stay but his boss refused as it was important . But Dark promised he'd be back for Christmas Eve.

Of course Anti was happy knowing that Dark would be there by Christmas Eve .but that didn't stop him from missing him . They always went somewhere special on Christmas Eve , like last year they went ice skating, and Anti would always laugh to himself whenever he remembered either one of them falling over , or bumping into one another.

But it wasn't all bad, they faced timed and called often and they had friends to keep each other company.

Anti smiled, it was December 23rd and he was only getting more excited, Dark would be back today after all . So he went about doing his usual routine, except he practically stayed near the window, waiting for Dark. And today he had his usual zing he had when Dark was here.

That was until his phone rang , it was Dark's ringtone, playing some song that both him and Dark loved.

Anti couldn't help but raise a brow. It was late and Dark should've been here by now. Anti picks up his phone, tapping the green phone and placing it to his ear.

"Hey love.." Dark answers quietly, he sounded upset ..

"Hey..what's wrong Darky? You don't sound very happy." Anti asks, growing concerned.

"I Uhm...I can't make it for Christmas Eve ..." Anti felt a little needle of disappointment poke at his heart, making him frown. But he immediately tried to lighten the mood like always.

"H-Hey it's ok, at least you'll be here by Christmas! Right?" Silence. That's all that came from Dark's end.

"No..that's the thing...I can't make it for Christmas either...sorry baby..." Yet another needle of disappointment poked at Anti's heart, but much bigger and sharper.

"O-Oh...well Uhm...then we can have Christmas another day! L-Like our own personal Christmas." Anti said in a cheerful voice, when in reality he wanted to curl up and just cry.

"That sounds lovely baby..I'm sorry I couldn't come but I promise it'll be just as special when I get back."

"O-Okie Darky."

"Goodnight love, I love you ."

"I love you too Darky, sweet dreams." The two blew kisses to one another before hanging up, Anti's eyes glossy.

He slowly got up , shuffling to their shared bedroom, he fell onto the bed, moving to Dark's side and hugging his pillow, it still smelled like Dark, which comforted him the slightest bit. He slowly drifted off to sleep.

{*Time skips gives you all Christmas cards *}

The day was Christmas Eve and the snow was glistening in all its glory outside, a little robin chirping outside as he sat on the naked tree. Inside Anti was laid down, he was on the verge of waking up , stirring just a little. However he paused when he felt something warm against his cheek, then his nose , and all over his face .

He slowly opens his eyes, having to blink to get use to the light of the morning. He gasps when he finally is able to recognise who it is.

It was Dark! He still had his Sherlock like coat on, and he looked like he had a bit of a nap. He smiled brightly down at Anti who was at a loss for words.

"Your here!" He exclaimed before lunging into Dark, pressing his lips into his lover's tackling him down. Dark chuckles, smiling at that as he kisses him back, both clearly very happy to see one another.

Once the kiss , that seemed like it lasted hours when it was really only a few minutes, had ended Anti sat up on his husband's lap.

"I thought you said you couldn't make it!"

"I was tricking you. My boss let us go home early and I was planning on arriving the day I called you but traffic was bad, I got in a couple of hours ago so I had a little nap and decided to wake you up with some kisses." Dark explained.

"You meanie! I thought I was gonna have to celebrate Christmas without you!" Anti pouted playfully, crossing his arms .

"And you really thought I'd let that happen? of course not ." Dark wrapped his arms around Anti, pulling him close so their faces were mere inches apart.

"I've been waiting to kiss your cute face." Dark whispered softly before he started peppering Anti in kisses, causing Anti to giggle.

"So what do you have planned ? " Dark asks in between kisses , rubbing his lover's back while Anti slipped Dark's coat off his shoulders.

"Nothing, I just wanna cuddle with you alllll day."

"That sounds wonderful baby ."

The two share yet another kiss, this one even more passionate as the last.

"I love you.

"I love you too."

|MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE EVERYONE! And even if you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope your having a wonderful day. I hope you spend time with your loved ones and I hope you got what you wished for !|

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