It's a Deal part 1

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|Dark and Anti are not one to pass down a deal, and both are desperate for each other|



3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

Anti's head threw back in laughter, being careful to not spill the alcoholic beverage in which was in his tall glass .

"W-W-Hahaha! Are you actually telling me-hehe- that you got the bartender to put fuckin' ha-ketchup in your drink." Anti barely managed to make out his sentence he was laughing so much, practically making no sound at this point.

"Yep! And mayonnaise! Then I fucking stirred that shit up and gave it to some random drunk girl, she fucking chugged that shit down." His friend Sam chuckles while he spoke while sipping his also alcoholic drink.

"Ewww! That's disgusting ." Virus replied, although he was laughing as well, holding his lemonade , which he decided to have because he was the one gonna drive them back, which was still cold.

Meanwhile Anti was pissing himself, having to hold his stomach he was laughing so much.

"Fuckin' Christ Sam! Fuck I don't even know how to react to that." Anti said, slowly calming down.

"Hey I tell you what! I'll give you a bet , and if you win I'll pay for all the drinks next time , and I'll drive us home. And if you loose then you gotta pay and drive us home." Sam offers, holding his hand out for Anti to shake.

Anti without even hesitating shook his friends hand, getting a confidence boost from being a little tipsy(which is surprising since he had already had three drinks, this being his third).

"You ready for your bet?" Sam asks, smirking a little as his mind thought of all the possible bets that would be good.

Anti nodded, Virus seeming a lit curious himself despite not being apart of the bet.

"You have too..." Sam looked around the bar, his eyes landing on a certain male in the room.

"You gotta get that guy to go out with you by tomorrow. Your not allowed to tell him it's a bet or anything. You just gotta work that charm . Sound like you can do it?" Sam nodded over to a male in the corner.

He was average height, his skin beautifully tanned. His hair was black and hung over his face ever so slightly. His eyes ,from what Anti could see from where he was, were black with blood red irises . He had pericings just atop and below his right eyebrow, and one on his upper lip.

His definitions were sharp and that jawline was as sharp as knifes. And that was just his face, not to mention he had a rockin' body, with a muscular figure and he was dressed all in black, looking slightly punk with that black shirt with a band called Metallica on it, black ripped jeans, black converse and a black hoodie.

Anti lieky.

"Oh fuck yea, he can have my number any day. Well wish me luck boys." Anti threw his head back as he chugged the rest of his drink. Slamming it on the table with a satisfied 'ahh'. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve before heading over.



"I-I don't know Die..I'm not the kind of person to bet .." Dark rubbed the back of his neck, while his other hand held his non-alcoholic beverage.

"C'mon just this once! It'll be fun I promise. And if you win , or even if you don't win I'll do whatever you want. But you still have to try." Die instructed .

Dark hesitated, sighing.

"Fine...what is it?" Dark asks, a little nervous.

"You have to get....that dude over there to have sex with you." Die pointed over to a male at the bar, his back to it as he leant again it, sipping on a drink which his legs were crossed.

The male was just under average height, his pale complexion standing out like a star, he had fluffy green hair that fit him perfectly, he had plump lips and his definitions were as soft as clouds. He also seemed to have black gauges in his ears.

His body was also stunning. He had a choker around his neck , a white shirt which clung to his figure perfectly and a purple jacket that only reached his chest , not to mention skinny jeans that hugged his curvy body perfectly and white vans shoes

Dark couldn't help but admire him.

"A-Are you sure there isn't something else I can do?"

"Nope." He lightly pushed Dark over to the male.

Dark took a deep breath, heading over slowly.

Anti looked over at the male, his green and blue eyes meeting the deep reds of Dark's.

"Hey." Dark briefly said, his voice deep.

"Hi." Anti gave him a smile, turning around to actually face the bar now.

"What brings you here gorgeous?" Dark asks, sitting beside him.

"Just hanging around. You?"

"Well Uhm..." Dark's nerves were getting to him.

"Look I'll be honest...I got a bet to get you too Uhm...sleep with me.." Dark explained , looking embarrassed.

Anti giggles slightly, scooting over and hugging the males arm.

"Well ...let's go help you win that bet then~" Dark blushed, looking surprised.

"A-Are you sure? We've only just met a-and ..well I'm not one for one night stands."

"Who said it had to be a one night stand, it could be more that that if you'd like." Anti winks at him.

"W-Well..if your ok with that.." Dark smiled softly at him.

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