In a Heartbeat part 3

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3rd person POV

But it was too late , the little pastel coloured heart had popped out of Anti's chest, bubbling with happiness as soon as it's wide little eyes laid on Dark

"What on Eart-" Dark backed away a little, not knowing how to feel about the situation

Anti panicked , grabbing the hand of the heart and attempted to pull it away from Dark .

This sent the heart into a state of worry , so before it could be pulled away, it used all it's strength to pull itself away from Anti and back towards Dark , managing to grab one of Dark's fingers and pull it with itself as it was being pulled by Anti

Dark looked at the heart , then at Anti , then back at the heart .

And all of the sudden...All the dots seemed to add up ....

The hall was filled with gasps and whispers, clearly Dark

His eyes widened and he went silent , staring at Anti with a look of utter disbelief. Anti's eyes averted from Dark's, tears bubbling in his own , he bit his lip to try to stop them

As Anti continually began to pull away, trying desperately to just get away from Dark and everyone he didn't notice his heart was slowly being pulled apart. Both mentally and physically.

The heart was being teared apart like paper , or flesh in a predators mouth . The heart couldn't do anything about it either , for it could not cry out , so it just closed its eyes and accepted what was about to happen to it

Soon the heart had been completely snapped in two , making a silent twing sound . The sudden snapping had sent Anti falling backwards, banging his head against the hard marble floor with a thud. It gave Anti a blaring headache but he didn't care about that now , he scurried to his feet and bolted to the door , pushing past everyone that was crowding around them and around the door , it swiftly swung open upon impact with Anti and shut with a loud SLAM! Which echoed across the entire school, sending everyone and everything silent

Dark stood there , trying to process how and why this had happened.....he knew he had to set this right

He looks down at the now small broken heart in his hand , it lost it's colour and was now just dull, now limp against him.. he clutched it and ran out the same door

{*Time skip hands you a heart shaped card*}

The small boys water works were broken , tears continually streaming down his pale face. He was curled up under a cherry blossom tree

However....he paused when he felt a kiss placed on the back of his head , making his headache disappear ...

He turned his head and gasps softly, seeing Dark there with a soft warming smile on his face

Anti goes to turn his had around but Dark cups his face , making him face him and look into his eyes ..

Dark leans close and kisses his ears away, his lips felt so soft against Anti's skin.

Dark starts to kiss the males face all over, his head , his cheek , his nose , his temples....and last of all

His lips.

It was like a dream come true for Anti , who had been wanting this for so long . He started crying, but this time crying warm tears of utter joy and happiness, shakily placing his hand on top of Dark's

Both of them were smiling brightly , so happy that they didn't notice the two pieces of the heart starting to form together.

The heart beamed happily as it saw the two kiss , slowly fading into Anti's chest

The two males pulled away, both smiling as blush was glittered all over their cheeks, holding hands

They kissed and they'd do it all over again...

In a Heartbeat

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