The Alpha and the Slave

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|Dark , the new alpha of the pack, meets a slave known as Anti . And despite the fact that Anti is scared of him at first, they work things out.|



3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

Today was the day! The day for what ?you ask

The day was going to become the alpha of the pack . It was a great tradition for the head alphas child to become the alpha when they reach a certain age.

And that day was today for Dark.

The ceremony was over and Dark honestly just wanted to head to bed . Yes he appreciated the ceremony, everyone's welcoming and such. But to be honestly didn't think of himself as head of the pack , he more or less just wanted to be like everyone else .

As he headed to his room however, he was quickly stopped by someone calling him.

"Dark! There you are, I've been looking all over for you poppet." His old nanny shuffled over to him at a quick pace.

"Yea..uh what did you need me for?" He asked as she gently took him by the arm and lead him away from the room he was oh so hoping to return to.

"Well I'm sure your aware of what the new head of the pack gets after their ceremony , a if you will."

How could Dark forget what she was talking about.

You see when someone becomes an alpha, and they don't have a partner of their own, they are a gifted a sort of..slave if you will, that's used for dealing with heats and nothing else. Dark personally hated the fact that these slaves were basically holes with legs to some , he'd much rather just deal with the heat himself rather than use someone else .

Dark sighed as she reminded him of it.

"Yes I'm aware , but I'm honestly fine, I -"

She dragged him into a room where there was a male sitting on the floor, he looked scared , curling up as he hugged himself.

Dark's pupils dilated slightly.

The male was gorgeous, from the fluffy head of green hair too the tips of his feet . However Dark wasn't a fan of the clothes he had , or the lack of clothes more like .

"Go get him a blanket , or anything to cover him." Dark told the nanny which once took care of him.

"What? But-"

"Just, do it please."

Although confused she went off, doing as she was told .

Meanwhile Dark made his way over to him , crouching in front of him.

He held his hand out, going to stroke his hair, but before he could the male flinched, leaning away from him.

Dark somewhat knew the male would be scared, so he decided not to go further.

When she arrived with a blanket Dark took it from her and wrapped it around the males figure.

He looked up at Dark, seeming surprised as he hugged it close to himself.

"That's funny's a male, hm..I'll go see if we can get you a female-"

"No! He's perfect." Dark suddenly blurted out, surprising both the nanny  and the male.

"Well..if you say so ." She left the two alone.

"May...I know your name? Your real one" Dark asked.

"I-Its ...Anti sir." He stutters, glancing up at Dark who seemed even more in awe of his voice.

"It's nice to meet you Anti, my names Dark." Dark introduced.


Soon enough they arrived in Dark's room, Anti looking around at the glamorous room in amazement .

"Are you hungry ?" Dark asks getting out some clothes for the male, handing them to him.

"Uhm...yes...but I-I don't think I'm allowed food before you." Anti explained.

"Says who? You can eat whenever . I'll be right back ." Dark closed the door behind him as he left.

Anti hesitated before changing into the clothes Dark gave him. They looked huge on him, but he didn't mind , he glances at the bed before sitting on it, feeling at the soft covers .

He fell back on the bed, smiling at how comfy it was . He eventually made it under the covers , nuzzling the pillow that had a lovely scent to it.

"You seem to be making yourself comfortable." Dark says with a chuckle as he enters, a tray of steaming food in his hand .

Anti squeaks, sitting up quickly.

"I-I just-"

"No it's ok, I'm glad your getting comfy." Dark places the tray on the bed.

The smell caught Anti's attention and he seemed to perk up .

He reached over and gently took a bowl of pesto pasta, starting to eat it , soon scoffing the whole bowl down.

"T-That was really nice." Anti admitted shyly.

"I'm glad ." Dark raised his hand to stroke Anti's head . The male hesitated before leaning into Dark's hand, seeming hesitant still.

{*Time skip does whatever cuz their a free and independent person who don't need no one.*}

Giggles , chuckles and other sounds that conveyed laughter could be heard as the two males splashed one another in the large bath they were sharing, not caring about the water that made it to the floor.

Once the laughter died down, Dark and Anti laid in one another's arms, enjoying each other's presence.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The two mates smiled at one another, love clear in their eyes.


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