Feeling better

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{ Anti and Dark have had a rough day at work , so they spend the rest of the day cuddling and shtuff to make one another feel better}

Requested by : ChildOfDanti

Requested by : ChildOfDanti

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3rd person POV

Anti sat outside his work on a bench , he sighed as he waited for Dark , his lover , to pick him up

Anti worked at a huge business, though he was an assistant of a lazy jerkwad,  that made Anti wonder if he even knew how to tie his shoe laces . Not to mention almost everyday the cunt would say something about the way he dressed or how his eyes were so strange .

Anti did try to take no notice of it but it was pretty difficult when it was practically every day .

The fucker would make it worse by asking Anti to do everything for him, get his paper work , tell his colleagues something, go get the boss for some stupid reason or make him food or coffee , which he'd always complain was bad

But Anti knew Dark's work was just as bad, maybe even worse . Dark worked at a very busy shipping company, which meant Dark got practically no breaks .

Dark had to not only assemble the boxes, but also put them into the trucks which was very tiring especially since only him and three other people ever did it , the others would just stand off in the corner and gossip and cause trouble, Dark of course did complain to the boss about it , multiple times actually and it wasn't just himself, but the boss didn't care at all and told them to deal with it

Dark did try and force them to do it but that would either lead to one of them wanting a fight , or them making fun and mocking him for the next week or so , and he really didn't need that right now

Now they would have quit these jobs ages ago if they could , but they were saving up to buy a house , putting most of their money into savings for the house , and the rest for bills, clothes , food etc

And as they wanted this to happen as soon as possible, they figured they'd put up with it for now

Dark pulls up just in front of Anti , Anti didn't need to look twice to see he was obviously tired and fed up

Anti gets into the car and Dark drives off as Anti buckles up

"Hey sweetheart, how was work " Dark asks , placing his free hand on Anti's, who quickly held Dark's hand back

"...it wasn't the best unfortunately...." Anti admitted

Dark sighed

"Mine was the same ...what happened if you don't mind me asking "

"Well Mcfucker decided to say I looked and dressed like a penguin who had just got eaten by a shark , and said my eyes were like the fuckin' devils ....and insulted the way I did basically everything "

I'm gonna kill that fucker Dark thinks to himself, his blood boiling

"What about yours?"

"Well the group I keep telling you about decided it would be sooo funny to throw stuff at me and the others , and when I told the boss he said he'd fire me if I complained to him again "

"I'm so sorry to hear that Darky" Anti leaned over and kissed Dark's cheek , which seemed to cheer him up a little bit

{*Time skip drifts in a fancy car*}

The two flop on the sofa, Anti on top of Dark , laying in silence as they cuddled

"Darky....do you think what I wear...looks silly on me?" Anti asks , looking up at Dark with slight worry in his eyes

Anti today was wearing a white button up that was tucked into his black pencil skirt

"Of course not , what you wear makes you look absolutely gorgeous, but that's pretty much everything you wear " Anti blushed at Dark's compliment, but smiled brightly

"Well , I can't help but want to look pretty when your around Darky , have you seen yourself, your practically built like a god " Dark blushed as well to Anti's words , a shy smile in his face

"I-I don't know if I'm t-that well built "

"No , you are , your Dark , the god of handsome " Anti giggles as Dark went shy

"Well then your my God of love , cuz god do I love you " Dark cups Anti's face

"I-I love you too Darky " Anti smiled more, leaning in to kiss the male

Even though they go through some pretty shitty times ...it's moments like these that they remember and cherish the best

Soon enough, they were snuggled close together, Anti in his panties and one of Dark's hoodies , Dark in some sweatpants

Both of which were cuddled together, eating pizza , feeding it to one another and non stop loving each other


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