Your..Like me..? Part 2

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3rd person POV

Dark pushed open the rusty doors , internally cringing at the horrid sound it made .

"They should be at the very top tower."

"Should be? Shouldn't you know?" Dark asked the bird who was now sitting on his shoulder.

"Well uh... I've sorta been guessing till now." Dark whipped his head round to face the bird.

He was definitely not happy.

"Guessing!? So your telling me that this person who we've been looking for could be in a completely fucking different castle!" Dark exclaimed, gripping Die's neck.

"M-Maybe..." Die muttered , gulping as the demon glares daggers at him.

Dark threw him to the ground.

"Stay put and keep watch, you'll be lucky if I don't leave you here." Dark growls before storming off deeper into the castle, cursing angrily.

He decided to listen to the birds advice and head up the spiralling stairs.

Once he reached the top a locked door was in his way, however he could hear something beyond that door...

"Is anyone in there?" Dark asked rather loudly.

" someone there! " a voice asked.

"Yes , I'm here too come get you. Now I need you too move away from the door. " the sound of footsteps moving further away gave Dark the signal. He stepped back before charging into the door, breaking it clean off of its old handles.

To Dark's surprise inside the room was a male. He didn't look poor or anything ...he looked like a prince.

"Oh thank you! You have no idea how long I've waited for someone to come save me!" He exclaimed.

" problem..." Dark looks back at the door, seeing it had the key to unlock it in it.

"Why didn't you unlock the door?" Dark asks.

"To stop the d-"

"DRAGON!" Die screeched, flying into the room in a panicked state.

The loud roar and the sound of the castle crumbling meant that the said dragon was rushing up to then, breaking the castle as it did so.

Without even thinking twice Dark grabbed Anti and Die and did the only thing he could.

He jumped out the window.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion as they fell, the prince's scream, Die's squawking and .

The dragon erupted out of the castle like lava from a volcano.

Dark turned so when they landed the other two landed on him . Without even letting himself recover Dark scrambled to his feet , the two still in his hold, he ran and ran till the dragons roars were no more than the winds howls.

He panted heavily setting them down and sitting on a rock.

"T-That was fucking insane!" Die shouted, sounding bewildered.

Meanwhile Anti had a look of concern on his face. He sat next too Dark on the rock

"Are you ok..uh.."

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