Hospital Hearts

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|After going to America to see his sick father, Anti finds that the hospital has many more things waiting for him.|



After the tiring flight, jet lag and more, Anti was grateful when the cab pulled up in front of the hospital his father was in, after paying the driver he rushes inside, slinging the bag he brought over his shoulders

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After the tiring flight, jet lag and more, Anti was grateful when the cab pulled up in front of the hospital his father was in, after paying the driver he rushes inside, slinging the bag he brought over his shoulders.

Asking the receptionist for directions to his fathers room ,he navigated around the busy place , until eventually finding it.

His father was wired up to a bunch of things, laying in the bed . He smiled upon seeing his son.

"Well well, looks like my green bean came too see me ." He chuckles lightly, opening his arms out for a hug. Anti chuckles at the nickname, going over and hugging his Pa.

"Hey. How're you feeling?" Anti asks, pulling up a stool beside the bed.

"Physically, Like shit, mentally, good." His father said, sitting himself up and stretching his limbs.

"I got gifts for you from everyone at home," he reaches into the bag he brought and bring them out. There were get well soon cards, teddies and probably the best of all, his mothers famous cupcakes with heart shaped icing on it .

"Mmmhhhh." His father hummed happily at the taste of his wives food.

"We all miss you, especially Ma." Anti admits sincerely.

"I miss you all too..but hey! Look on the bright side, I'll be out soon. Then you can all treat me to dinner or something." His father jokes about the last part, causing a little giggle to come out of Anti.

There was a knock at the door before a male peeked in.

'Holy fuck he's gorgeous ' Anti thought to himself, staring at all the man's features.

"Hello Dylan. I've just come to check up on you " the male said, his voice deep and smooth.

"Hello Dark. Anti this is Dark, my nurse, Dark this is my son Anti " Anti's father introduced the two to one another. Anti shook himself out of his dazed state , waving at him softly.

"H-Hi, it's uhm..n-nice too meet you " Anti curses himself for his stutters.

"It's nice too meet you too sir." Dark greeted him rather professionally, friendly smile and all.

When Dark started to check the older man's vitals, Dylan looked over at Anti who's gaze was fixated on Dark. He smirked knowingly.

"Do you need anything Dylan?" Dark asks, checking things off his list.

"Hmm maybe a drink Dark ." Dark nods before leaving, Anti's eyes still following him till he left.

"You like him don'tcha ?" His Pa asks, his accent coming out a little. Anti's face flushed a shade of pink.

"W-What would give you that idea?"

"Your gawking at him like a fuckin' fat man at cake. Why not ask him out ?"

"Pa I've only just met him! I don't now if he'd even like me." Anti whisper shouts at his dad ,who only laughs.

"You won't know till you've tried. That's what happened with me and your Ma."

{*Time skip drives an ambulance *}

Early the next day , when Dark was giving Dylan his early check ups , Dylan decided to strike up some conversation.

"Dark. Would you be interested in my son?" Dark, who before hand was sipping on some coffee while looking at his patients vitals, almost choked on his dirty bean water.

"W-Why do you ask that sir?"

"Just curious." he smiled as he sees the half Korean's face turn a soft shade of pink.

"W-Well he's attractive, a-and from what I've seen he seems nice t-too."

"Ask him out then." The man said as if it was a piece of cake. If only.

"S-Sir you know I'm not that confident, plus I don't know if he'd like me back."

"He does. I asked him." He chuckles.

"H-He does?"

"Yep. Didn't you notice him staring at you?" Dark only blushes more, looking as if he was considering it.


A few hours later Anti's father was discharged and they were heading outside to the car. Anti and Dark helping the man who was in crutches.

Once they'd both gotten him in the car, Anti went to get in beside him before Dark taps his shoulder.

"Hm?" Anti turned too see Dark who had a small piece of folded paper in hand, he handed it too Anti .

"H-Have a safe trip ."

"Oh. Uh thank you, what's this for?" Anti asks

"Open it while your on the road, y-you'll see." He stutters.

"Ok, thank you." He softly smiles at him before getting in, telling the cab their destination.

As everything flew by Anti opens up the paper, surprised to find a phone number there.

"I told you he liked you." His father smirks , chuckling as his son covers his face in embarrassment, attempting to hide his happy smile.

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