Warm My Cold Dead Heart part 2

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3rd person POV

Dark headed to the room in which his blood source was trapped in, creaking open the door and peering in.

To his surprise the human was curled up on the bed, covers over himself. He rose a brow and approached him .

Anti must've heard the door open as he curled up more, as of to try and get away from Dark. Dark notices and growls .

"Sit up now ." He ordered .

"Can't you just suck the blood out of my hand or some shit." Anti pointed out, holding his hand out , pointing his middle finger at Dark.

A part of Dark wanted to bitch at him for being a pain, but he was hungry for blood. He yanked Anti's wrist and sunk his teeth into the back of it, making Anti wince.

Expecting to taste the delicious blood he had before, Dark was grimly confounded when he tasted blood that could only be described as blank and bitter .

"What have you done?" Dark questioned, scowling at the taste.

"To what?"

"Your blood."

"How the fuck do I know. I can't exactly control how it tastes!" Anti shouted from under the covers , though it was muffled due to the covers.

That seemed to annoy Dark as he grabbed Anti's wrist and pulled him into a sitting position.

Dark was about to scold him for being a little shit, but he quickly noticed something was off about Anti.

"Why are you so thin?" Dark asked .

"Oh I don't know , maybe because you've starved me here for a couple weeks!" Anti spat , however he whimpered when his stomach growled, clutching it and bringing his knees to his chest .

"...." Dark didn't say anything, he simply let go of Anti and left the room. Anti huffed .

"Good talk'" He muttered sarcastically.

However, he looked up when the door opened again, Dark entering with some food in hand.

"Have it, I do not need it." Dark drops it in front of Anti on the bed.

Anti hesitated before picking up a bar of chocolate, looking at it with suspicion.

"How do I know you haven't poisoned it?"

"As if I'd poison the only good source of blood I have." Dark pointed out, sitting on the chair he sat on on the night he brought Anti here .

Anti still was reluctant before taking a bite , chewing it slowly just to be sure . Once he found it was ok , he started to eat more, but at a leisurely pace .

"Why do you need blood so desperately? Can't you just eat normal food to suffice your hunger ?" Anti asks , looking over at Dark .

"No . Blood is the way we get our energy to survive. Without it we slowly loose energy and die . " Dark explains bluntly.

"Oh...is there anyway to prevent it without taking blood from other species," Anti asks again

"...I've heard there is, but I'm unsure if it's possible..or even true."  Dark leaned back in his chair , closing his eyes.

{*Time skip bites into a strawberry doughnut*}

Surprisingly Anti and Dark grew close. Which you may ask how? Simple really.

Anti said that he'd let Dark take all the blood he wanted from him IF Dark promised to be nicer to him and feed him, let his be free etc .

Currently Anti was sitting outside on the wooden patio stairs , sipping some dirty bean water .

"You seem rather peaceful." Dark commented as he closed the door behind himself, sitting beside Anti .

"Mhm. when it's dawn, everything seems to be just so peaceful." Anti put the blanket he had around himself on Dark as well.

"I suppose..."

The two were silent as they sat there , enjoying the silence. Well until Dark spoke up.

"...what was your life like...before I brought you here?" Dark asks. Anti never really talked about and he was curious.

"Oh..well it was ok I guess...I had a pretty ok job and all..though the day you brought me here ..I had quite a bad day, my friends were being cunts and I found out one was sleeping with the boyfriend I was with at the time ..."

"I'll hunt them down for you." Anti laughed softly at Dark's comment .

"....I'm sorry ." Dark mutters.

"For what?" Anti asks.

"How I treated you at first, I was such a dick ..."

"Hey it's ok...I mean if I'm being honest..I think I really like you now...like a lot actually.." Anti admitted shyly.

"Really?" Dark asked , looking dumbfounded.

A soft nod cake from Anti ...

Perhaps this could go somewhere...

And so it did as Dark cupped his face and kissed him, Anti happily kissing him back.

The two pulled away for awhile, resting their heads together.

"I-I don't know if this'll work out though.." Anti  admitted sadly.

"Why not?" Dark questions.

"Well you live so much longer than me..and I don't want you too see me grow old and die."

"...perhaps I can fix that ."


The bunny ran as fast as it could , hooping gracefully over logs and other things in its way , but it was no use .

Dark quickly tackled it down, watching as he squirmed , trying desperately to escape, that quickly stopped with a quick snap of it's neck however.

"You better be worth it you fast little prick." Dark said to himself, standing with it , holding it by the ears.

A little screech could be heard before a bat swooped in , snatching it from Dark's grasp.

He would've been angry if he didn't know exactly who it was.

The bad flew onto a branch , sitting on it.

"Really love? " Dark asked , smiling as the bat seemed to snicker.

Within a blink of an eye, the bat turned into that of Anti, giggling, showing off his sharp teeth.

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