The Shy boy...

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|Anti was a quiet and shy boy who kept to himself, he gets bullied and until now no one has ever tried to help him, but Dark is going to change that|

Fluff (and maybe smut idk )


3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

"Please c-can you drop me off? I-I don't like the bus.." Anti practically begged . His father looking hesitant.

"I wish I could but I need to deliver something...and I think it's time you learn how to deal , I understand your scared and shy but that's ok. I'm sure if you keep to yourself people won't bother you , that's what I use to do anyway." His father advised.

"O-Ok..." Anti glances down. He had just finished his breakfast and looked at the time, gulping when he realised it was time to go.

"I believe in you Anti, I know you can do it ." His father smiled reassuringly at his son , ruffling his newly dyed green hair .

"A-Alright Pa, I'll try , for you." Anti smiled appreciatively at him, grabbing his bags and placing it on his back.

"See ya Anti, have a good day!" His father called after him.

"I will! Hopefully..." he muttered the last part under his breath, so his father wouldn't worry. He headed out to the bus stop which wasn't too far from where his house was. He saw a few people at the stop already, thankfully non from his school. He made sure he had the money for a ticket, a little relieved when he found he did.

Soon enough the bus arrived and they all got on.

Once Anti paid he looked over the hole was packed. Fortunately for him there was a seat right at the back next to an old man. So he shuffled over .

"E-Excuse me sir, is it ok if I s-sit here?" Anti asks . The man nodded, moving his small dog to his lap and letting Anti sit beside him. Anti thanked him for that.

When the bus arrived at Anti's stop he shuffled off the bus, thanking the bus driver .

He took a deep breath before heading inside, not making eye contact and avoiding people as much as possible.

Though that wasn't gonna work when a couple of jerks are purposely looking for you.

"Hey Anti!" An unfortunately oh so familiar voice called for him.

'Oh not today ' Anti thought to himself as he kept walking, a little faster though, trying to pretend he didn't hear them.

"Oi! Answer me when I talk to you." Anti was suddenly shoved into a locker, making him wince as his shoulder was met with the metal.

"I-I didn't hear y-"

"Bullshit! You hear him loud and clear you little queer ." |Ayy that rhymes | one of the jerkwads friends butted in.

Kyle, Josh and Jacob where the school's three biggest bullies , and just so happened to be the captain of three of the school's sports teams.

"L-Look I don't want any trouble , I just wanna b-be left alone, ok?" Anti stuttered out, trying his best not too seem scared, though that was far from the truth.

This only caused Anti to be shoved into the locker again, causing Anti to wince again. That was surely gonna make a bruise.

"You think you can tell us what to do huh?!" Kyle shouted.

"W-What n-no I-I just-"

"He thinks he can tell us what to do ! " Kyle shouted over Anti, making him whimper.

"You know what we do to people who think they can boss us around!?" Anti shook his head, trying to get out of their grasps.


"Leave him alone Kyle, he isn't bothering anyone." A voice silenced the captain, making him turn to see a male with black hair.

"Why should I listen to you, loner." Kyle said, letting go of Anti and turning, readying to fight the male. But the male didn't seem interested in a fight. Instead he heads over to Anti .

"You ok?" He asks Anti, who was a little bewildered. Anti nodded lightly.

"Hey I'm talking to y-" the strange held his pointer finger up to Kyle.

"Could you wait a minute, I'm trying to talk to him." He said nonchalantly , turning his head back to Anti.

"Are you hurt?" He asks, looking a little worried.

"M-My shoulder hurts a-a little, but I'll be o-ok ." Anti muttered, looking up at him with his eyes slightly wide. He'd never seen anyone stand up to Kyle, never mind for him.

"Hey! Listen to me!" Kyle threw a punch at the male, but in one swift motion the black haired male swung around and threw a punch at Kyle, it making direct contact with Kyle's nose , causing his nose to bleed, it was a surprisingly harsh punch after all.

Kyle scowls, holding his nose as blood flowed out of it.

"You know what, find I'll leave you you freak, your going to hell anyways!" Kyle shouted at him as he left .

"I'll see you there!" The male shouted back, making Anti snort a little.

"T-Thanks for that..Uhm.."

"Dark, the names Dark." He held his hand out for Anti .

"I-I'm Anti...I-it's nice to meet ya." Anti lightly shook his hand, having to contain his blush as the male was quite attractive.

"Wanna join me for break? I hand out in the music room as no one else goes there." Dark asks, earning a nod from Anti.

They had a feeling this was the beginning of something beautiful.


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