Trick or treat

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| Dark and Anti go trick or treating with their daughter Sam . How sweet |

3rd person POV

"But paaaaa, I don't wanna wear a smelly dress." The little girl whines as her dad showed her the costume he had out for her. It was a ripped up looking dress with some ripped up leggings (to keep her warm) and a ripped up veil ,. The costume was suppose to be a zombie bride but Sam wasn't having it.

"Why not Sam? I reckon you'd look gorgeous in it." Anti says , holding it up to her.

"But dresses are sooooo uncomfortable." Their daughter whines .

Anti seemed to be thinking before he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around him . He looks behind him to see it was Dark.

"What seems to be the problem?" He asks , looking at the both of them.

"I was planning on Sam being a zombie bride , but she doesn't wanna wear the dress ." Anti explained to his husband, looking over his shoulder at him.

" we still have that bandana from when she was a cowboy?" Dark asks.

"Uhm...I think so...why?" Anti asks back, raising his brow slightly.

"You'll see. " he kisses his lovers cheek before he proceeds to rummage through the costumes they had.

Eventually he finds the bandana and some old slightly ripped up white shirt from when Sammy was a ghost.

He brings Sammy into a room and helps her change into her new costume.

Sam comes out wearing the shirt and leggings along with the bandana around her head.

"I'm a pirate pa!" She announces happily, seeming much more pleased with that choice.

Anti smiled softly, awing at how adorable she looked .

"Well you know what every pirate needs"

"What dad?"Sammy asks, looking up at Dark.

"Their trusty sword! " Sammy's eyes lit up as she raced downstairs to go find the foam swords they had.

Anti snickers as he goes and hugs his husband, kissing his cheek.

"Well done Darky, you saved the day once again." He smiled, looking up at him.

Dark smiled back, wrapping his arms around Anti's waist.

"All in a day's work love. Speaking of , ready to get into our costumes ?" Dark asks , getting an unsure expression from Anti.

"I don't know...won't people you know...judge us? " Anti asks , glancing away slightly before looking back into his husband's eyes.

"And so what if they did , we'd be enjoying ourselves and that's all that matters." Anti seemed to smile softly at that, pecking Dark's nose.

"I guess Dark, but what would we dress up as?" Anti asks.

"Well I was planning on going as a vampire. I don't know what you'd go as though."

"Hmm....what do you reckon would be best for me?" Anti asks Dark, tangling his fingers into his black hair.

"Well i personally think you should go in nothing but only I'm allowed to see you in nothing." Anti playfully glares at his husband's answer, though some evident blush was forming on his cheeks.

"How about...I go as your victim, like you've bitten me and I'm turning into a vampire." Anti suggests.

"Sounds amazing love." Dark says , kissing his lover , who happily kisses him back.

"Eeewwww! Dad! Pa! No kissing!" Sammy whines , covering her eyes at the sight in front of her.

Dark sticks his tongue out playfully at Sam who does the same back, causing Anti to giggle at them both.

"Alright you two calm down. Sammy go downstairs and watch some cartoons for a bit, me and Dad will be down in a bit ."

"Okie!" Sammy skips down the stairs, humming softly .

"Shall we continue?" Dark asks , leaning in for a kiss.

"NO KISSING!" Sammy shouts from downstairs. Dark grumbles in a pouty fashion .

Anti giggles yet again in amusement, pecking Dark's lips.

{*Time skip puts some sweets into your candy bowl *}

Light snores could be heard as Dark carried the little girl up to her bedroom, his husband following just behind him.

Dark places her into her bed, pyjamas already on her as soon as they arrived back home from trick or treating . They watched a movie which halfway through Sam fell asleep, looking adorable as she was cuddled up next to her Dad's.

After pulling the covers over her and placing her favourite teddy in between her arms he kisses the top of her head , stepping aside so Anti could do the same.

"Goodnight Sammy, sweet dreams." He mutters softly, kissing the top of her head on her fluffy dark brown hair . He grabs the music box she had gotten last Christmas thanks to Dark's mother and winds it up, placing it on the bedside table where the little teddy danced with the fairy, playing the calming tune.

The two close the door behind them as they exited the room, heading to their own where they laid spooning.

"Are you sure you don't want a treat of your own?~" Dark asks in a flirtatious tone , though Anti knew he was joking .

"No, thank you sweetheart, this already is my treat." He snuggled closer to Dark who started placing light kisses onto Anti's body .

"I love you Anti."

"I love you too Dark."

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