Your ..Like me? Part 1

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|Dark was a beast who had lived alone for most of his life , but unfortunately due to some talking bird, he's having to go save some prince, thankfully it pays off however.|



3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

There had been rumours in the village of a vicious creature with black hair, horns like the devils, pitch black eyes that struck terror into whoever looked into them, teeth sharp enough to rip through flesh and muscles so strong he could push boulders like it was nothing.

This creature was called Dark and at this very moment he was having a relaxing time in his male shift bath (aka a river).

However his peaceful time was quickly interrupted when a flurry of footsteps could be heard . He huffed, expecting it to be another crowd from the village come to kill him.

However it wasn't anyone from the village, it was guards from the lords kingdom .

"What do you want?" Dark asks them, already seeing their fear even with those helmets on. One of them stepped forward, trembling in his metal boots.

"T-The lord has asked that y-you go on a quest to retrieve the fair prince-"


"B-But you didn't even let me finish-"

"I can already guess what your going to say, you want me to go get some princess for him, the answers no." Dark turned around, his back to them.

"Now leave." He ordered, listening as he heard the guards leave and he closes his eyes, relaxing once again.

Until he got a blow dart to the back of the neck.

{*Time skip squirts you with a water gun*}

Dark woke up being dragged along a red velvet carpet , suddenly being dropped to the floor in front of something. He groans as he stood up, still a little dizzy.

"Hello, you must be who they call the demon, correct?" A male sitting in a rather high up throne asked.

"Yea, what about it?" Dark rubbed his rather sore neck, cracking it to the side.

"I'm sure my guards told you of the quest I wish for you too do."

"Yea, and I already said I wasn't gonna fucking do it, so good bye." Dark turned around to leave , heading for the entrance which was going to be his exit.

"What if I reward you?"

"I'm not interested in money or anything like that-"

"I could find you someplace where you could be alone , no one would ever both you, ever." The lord suggested.

He smirked as Dark paused, clear to him that he was considering it.

"By the time I get your fucking princess or whatever, you'll find me a place. Deal?"



"C'mon let me out! I wanna spread my wings ." 

Due to the fact that the castle in which who he had to retrieve was far away, he had to bring a bird who knew the way. Problem was, this bird was extremely talkative and Dark was about to loose it.

"I swear to lucifer if you don't shut your damn mouth I will happily cook you and eat you! " he shouted, holding the cage which the bird was trapped in up to his face.

"Maybe if you let me put I would!" Dark growls, throwing the cage to the ground, busting open the door of it, causing the blue macaw, who was named Die, out.

"Thanks bud!" He chirped happily, fluttering over and sitting on the males shoulder.

"Don't call me that."

"Well what can I call you? I don't think you ev-"

"It's Dark."

"Dark? Like is that your full name? You don't have a last name?"

"You don't need to know my full name."

"Ohhh lemme guess! It's uh....Smith!"





"Not even close."


"Your never gonna guess it , so shut it."

"Ok fiiinneee. Oh by the way take a right." Dark did as he was told, going through the dense woods.

"Are we close or not?"

"Yes, actually we should be!" Dark pushed past a fallen over trunk and his eyes were met with a large solitary castle .

"Let's just get this over with."

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