I'll Care for You

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|Dark , an Inu, was taken in by someone, and as they couldn't look after him properly, Anti decides to take matters into his own hands



3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

"Hey babe! I'm home." Anti's boyfriend called from the front door .

"Hey! How was-" Anti asked , walking into the room before stopping in his tracks at what he saw.

Beside his boyfriend was a inu. They were slightly taller that Jacob, and just as muscular. Their hair was black and hung over their face slightly and one of their black ears was flopped down while the other pointed upright.

"I got us an Inu. I heard their great guard dogs and really good companions, so I figured I'd get you one to keep you company while I'm not here ." Jacob explained.

"Awww! Thank you." Anti went over, hugging his boyfriend and kissing his cheek .

"What's his name?" Anti asked

"Well that's for you too decide."

"But surely he must already have a name." Anti pulls away from the hug and goes over to the Inu .

"What's your name?" Anti asks, looking up at him.

The Inu seemed rather surprised, hesitating before showing Anti the silver dog tag around his neck that read 'Dark'.

"Dark..I like that name ." Anti smiled up at him.

"Really? Babe you don't have to choose that, you can choose any name you want." Jacobs suggests.

"Nope. Plus I'm sure he'd be more comfortable using his own name."

_ _ _

Later on when the couple had gotten into bed and were about to fall asleep before they heard light whines at the door.

Jacob huffed in annoyance. He sat up and opened the door to reveal Dark sitting in front of it , a look telling the male that he wished to sleep with them like a real dog does. But Jacob just shook his head.

"You sleep on the floor." He said sternly, making Dark's ears droop.

"Jacob don't be so mean. C'mon let's go get you some blankets Dark and you can sleep on the sofa." Anti says, getting up and heading to the living room , Dark following after him.

While they were gone Jacob was muttering curses about the Inu under his breath as he got into bed.

{*Time skip wakes up the next day*}

"I'll be back before dinner babe , ok?" Jacob kisses his lover's cheek.

"Alright, I'll see you then." Anti pecks his lips before waving goodbye to his boyfriend as he left for work.

Anti turns only to find Dark was behind him making him jump before giggling.

"You scared me then Dark." He looks up at the Inu who hadn't spoke a word since he'd been here .

"You don't talk much do you?" Anti asks, earning a slight nod from Dark.

"Well no worries, after I prepare dinner we can watch a movie, how does that sound?" Anti asks .

Dark seemed to like that , his ears lifting.

_ _ _

The two were sat on the sofa | 1f apart cuz they are gay | watching a movie of some sorts.

"Hmm...Dark, do you ..like being pet ?" Anti asks randomly, catching the attention of the male. Who nodded.

Anti smiled, reaching his hand up and stroking the Inu's head on top of the smooth black hair.

Dark seemed to enjoy that, leaning into his touch , a light smile on his face.

Anti giggles, stroking under his chin, making Dark practically go limp and lay against him till his head was on his lap, his tail going crazy and his foot twitching at the affection.

Suddenly the front door opens , making Dark freeze up. Immediately moving his head off of Anti's lap and sitting upright.

"Oh hey Jacob." Anti greeted his boyfriend, leaning up to hug him, which Jacob of course hugs him back, glaring at Dark who shrank back , his ears lowering and his tail going between his legs.

{*Time-you know what I'm too lazy to come up with something else*}

"Dark c'mon! It's starting!" Anti called out as the movie started ...

But to his surprise Dark didn't come..now that he thought about it , he hadn't seen the Inu all morning.

"Dark?" Anti calls out again, standing up.

Still nothing.

Anti started to look around, calling for Dark before hearing faint whimpers.

"Dark?" He peers into their bedroom where Dark was sitting in a large cage meant for large dogs , a muzzle on him.

Anti quickly goes over , opening up the cage...however Dark didn't come out.

"Dark what's wrong?" He asks , leaning in and removing the muzzle, going to scratch under the males chin but Dark flinches away.

"N-n-no ...he'll take me away please.."Dark muttered out, quickly covering his mouth, making Anti's eyes widened .

"Who's gonna take you away? Dark why are you in this cage?" Anti asks, crawling into it.

Dark curled up, not looking at him, shaking slightly.

"I-if I tell you ...you'll be really upset a-and I won't be able to see you again." He whimpers, ears practically pressed into his head.

"Dark...please tell me. I want to know what's going on, you've been distant ever since Jacob came home yest-" Anti suddenly realised what was going on, his eyes widening.

"It's Jacob, isn't it, he's the reason why you've been so distant isn't it?" Dark nodded lightly.

"H-He said that if I ever got too close to you ...he'd take me away and then tell you I'd run away...."

Anti hugged the Inu who hesitated before hugging him back..

"Don't worry. I'll deal with him." And with that Anti got out and began to pack Jacobs stuff.

He wasn't going to be here any longer.

_ _ _

Anti and Dark were on the sofa, both silent at the events of today.

"C'mon it's getting late, let's head to bed." Anti stood up , heading to his room. He looked back at Dark who was still on the sofa.

"Well? Aren't you coming?" Anti asks. Immediately Dark's ears perk up and he races over , following Anti.

Once the smaller male laid down Dark laid right beside him, hugging his waist and snuggling into his torso, making Anti giggle.

Perhaps this could be the start of something new.

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