Personal services part 2

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3rd person POV

As Dark waved goodbye to the last of his workers he closed the door behind him , taking a deep breath . Tonight had been rather busy and Dark had to deal with a bunch of things , so he was glad it was all over now.

He walked around, locking up the place and making sure everything was perfect for tomorrow .

Just as he passed the workers lockers rooms a soft voice called to him.

"Dark.." He turned, not expecting to see Anti there .

"Oh Anti, what are you doing here so late? Shouldn't you be heading home ?" Dark questioned the Irish male .

"Yea, But I wanted to show you something first sir."

"Oh, well lead the way then." Dark said unsuspectingly .

Anti, with a slight smirk, took Dark by the hand, leading him to one of the private rooms that were used for lap dances and such .

"What did you want to show me in here ?" Dark questions, not getting an answer as Anti sat him down in the chair.

Much to his surprise, Anti started to strip right in front of him, causing his cheeks to flush pink.

"W-Wait What are you-"

"Shhhh~" Anti, who was now left in nothing in a pair of panties (given to him by Ivory) with a heart shaped hole in his behind and a unbuttoned white button up ,the one he wore with his uniform, that was barely hanging over his shoulders, giving Dark a perfect view of his milky white body .

By now Dark had gone dark pink , his eyes not seeming to believe what they were seeing, was he dreaming?

"Just enjoy yourself ~" Anti turned on the small music playing device in the walls before heading over to Dark, starting his lap dance.

He secretly really loved the way Dark seemed to be starting at him with such awe , the way the males face looked so nervous yet embarrassed was so adorable.

He straddled Dark's lap , placing his hands on his waist as he wrapped his arms around Dark's neck, tangling his fingers into the dark haired males hair .

Dark's heart rate had increased ten fold , his blush depending against his tense body.

"You know , for someone who runs a strip club, your really awkward when it comes to anything sexual, huh?" Anti points out , looking up into Dark's eyes, smiling as Dark's eyes met his own.

"I-I know...s-sorry." Dark apologises meekly

"No need to be, I find it to be sweet actually." Anti leans closer , laying his head on Dark's shoulder, his eyes never leaving Dark's .

Meanwhile his hand had slipped his phone number into Dark's back pocket.

"S-So...if you don't mind me asking...w-what is this all about?" Dark asks.

"Well, I wanted to show my feelings for you, and as I can't talk to you without becoming a stuttering mess, I figured I'd show you the second best way." Anti answers, snickering as Dark realised what he meant .

"S-Sorry I never realised sooner.."

"Hey stop apologising it's ok, it's not your fault."

"Sorry-" Dark immediately shut himself up , realising what he was just about to say.

Anti couldn't help but giggle at Dark's dorky nature.

"Uhm...w-why don't I take you out some day? For a date perhaps?" Dark suggested.

Now it was Anti's turn to blush.

"I-I'd really like that actually." He sat up , smiling widely and placing a kiss on Dark's cheek.

"Does Sunday sound good?" Dark asks , watching as Anti dressed back into his clothes.

"Mhm, Sunday's perfect." Anti chirped happily in reply

"G-Great, I'll uh, see you then."

"See you!" Anti giddily heads out, a pep in his step.

Dark smiles as he watches Anti leaving, sighing happily.

'I'm definitely going to need a shower to deal with this' he thought to himself.


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