Kingdoms saviour part 2

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{!warning , possible gore warning!}

Dark pulls out his battle axe and shield, these were made from orcs as well , but as a gift for helping them.

Dark pulls out his battle axe and shield, these were made from orcs as well , but as a gift for helping them

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"C'mon Dark! Let's dance!" Kildor swung the giant sword towards the guard , who blocked it with his mighty shield and swung his axe at the enemy , who had just about managed to get out of the way

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"C'mon Dark! Let's dance!" Kildor swung the giant sword towards the guard , who blocked it with his mighty shield and swung his axe at the enemy , who had just about managed to get out of the way.

"Someone's a little slow , c'mon where's your adrenaline!" The evil king taunted , going around him like an annoying bug you couldn't get rid of.

Dark growls , swinging the battle axe towards the king with the best of his abilities , but with no prevail.

At the right moment, the king jumped towards Dark, managing to stab him in the shoulder. The dark haired male let out a sound of pain and stumbled a little.

"YOU MONSTER!" Anti shouted , pulling out his sword from its sheath and running over to the other king.

Kildor blocked it with his own sword , pressing down on the smaller male, but Anti was stronger than he seemed , managing to hold his weight enough to have enough force to knock back Kildor, he used this too jab at the male and make him bleed.

"YOU LITTLE RUNT!" Kildor shouted , knocking the sword out of Anti's hand , deeming the male weaponless .

"I should have done this a long time ago.." Kildor mutters threateningly, raising the giant sword above his head.

But when he tried too throws his sword down, it wouldn't budge .

He looks behind him to find Dark , but this time, the guard was in his part dragon form , growling deeply.

Dark pulls the man away from Anti and the two began wrath around, Kildor trying to desperately stab Dark again, but the half dragons grip was like that of steel.

"Let's take this outside!" Dark boomed , his black wings sprouting from his back , thankfully his armour had gaps for his wings.

He grabs the male and charges towards the domes walls, breaking them with surprising ease.

Anti's eyes flew wide  as he rushed to the edge to see the commotion that was about to happen.

Dark flew down to the ground and rammed Kildor into the ground , punching him repeatedly.

But what he didn't realise was that Kildor still had the sword in his hand.

A sudden burst of pain shot through Dark as Kildor thrusted the sword into his abdomen, the end of the sword poking out of his back. Blood was streaming out like a river of red.

Anti gasps loudly, tears pouring out of his eyes.

"DARK NO!!" He cried out , trying to rush down to the male , running through the castle.

Dark was gasping for breath , growing weak as Kildor's evil smirk from before grew wide.

"Get him!" Kildor shouted, his few remaining soldiers scurrying over and throwing a net around Dark, weighing the male down with the weights on it.

Rage was building in Dark, a deep and menacing growl escaping him. With the last parts of his strength that was being drained from him, he gripped the handle of the sword and pulls it out, slicing the net with ease.

Kildor's expression changed quickly, turning to horror as Dark's mouth started glowing.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR TRYING TO INVADE THIS KINGDOM!" Dark shouted before breathing a flame of a thousand suns at Kildor.

The man screamed bloody murder as he was burned alive, the life being burned away.

Soon enough , all that remained of Kildor was a burnt corpse of nothingness.

Dark panted heavily, his eyes drooping as he grew dizzy.

"DARK!" Anti shouted, bolting towards him.

Soon Dark fell to the ground, his world turning black .

The male slowly awoke on a bed in the medics room, wizards flicking through their books desperately to find a spell to heal him fully . Medics doing their best to do the same without magic.

"Oh gosh he's awake!" One of them exclaimed, rushing to check his heart rate and all.

"W-where's- ah!" Dark tried to sit up , but the pain in his abdomen laid him back down, a hiss of pain shooting through him.

"Go get King Anti, he'll want to see this." One of the wizards says to a nurse , who rushes out calling for the king.

"Dark, you are quite badly injured, so try not to move ." Dark sighed , but nodded, laying his head against the pillow.

Anti soon rushed into the room, bags under his eyes suggesting he got barely any sleep and had been crying. He sat by Dark's side, holding his hand.

"Thank the gods above your ok! You've been out for weeks and I was worried I was going to loose you....D-Dark...why didn't you let me help?" Anti asks, his eyes filling with more tears.

"I-I didn't want you putting yourself at risk, your the king, your important-" before Dark's croaky voice could go on , Anti interrupted him.

"And your just as important! No one in this kingdom is any more or less important than the other! You especially, you've served me for so long...and I loved you for that, I still love you for that....don't you see you mean something to me .." Anti explained, looking into the males eyes.

Dark looks at him shocked , never expecting Anti to have loved him.

"My k- A-Anti....I'm so sorry...I should have realised, I must've worried you so much...I-I apologies ..."

"It's ok Dark....but I am not allowing you to do anything as a guard until your fully healed, till then I'll be looking after you ." Anti says , smiling softly as he brushes some hair out of Dark's face.

Dark smiled back warmly, chuckling softly.

"That's fair enough..." Anti leans down and kisses Dark's head .

"I hope one day...I can share my throne with you.."

"I hope that too my prince."


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