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|Now I don't know much about Hamilton but I know this song and I like it so here ya go! Helpless with Danti!|



3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

Anti laughs , watching with Jack as his best friend danced about with strangers and flirted with them, something she did so often yet they found it hilarious every time.

"Bye honeyyyyy! I'll see you later ~" she winks before heading back over to Anti and Jack who were currently holding their sore stomachs and wiping their tears away.

"Fuck that was hilarious." Jack mutters , standing up straight.

"He'll yea it was ." Anti adds, still giggling .

Annie smiled at that , she suddenly grabbed Jack's hand and lead him through the crowd, the two were probably gonna entertain the guests some more.

Meanwhile Anti stood still in the large crowd, smiling brightly as he looked around, enjoying the happy faces , people dancing and all around enjoying themselves.

He hadn't yet found someone that caught his eye , though he wasn't loosing hope. He kept his eye out.

Although it was a bigger mystery of how Anti hadn't caught any one else's attention. For the slim curvy male was wearing a simple vest suit. The button up was a traditional white were as the waist coat, which fit just perfectly on his torso, was a pastel blue , and the pants were a simple navy . His hair was slightly curly, but not in a messy way of course and his eyes were just as bright as his pale complexion.

The large entrance door that lead to the dance that was currently taking place had opened and Anti looked over to see who it was-

Oh my god.

Anti had never seen someone so perfect looking. The male black hair hung over his face in such a mysterious way, their complexion was like that of honey and his physique was so muscular and stunning. Anti couldn't help but gawk at him .

He felt his heart go B O O M when He spotted the male and made his way to his best friend. He tried to meet the males eyes on his way, wondering if they were just as perfect as the rest of the males body.

She was currently cracking some of her amazing jokes , the crowd she had we're laughing, holding their stomachs and leaning on one another.

Anti gently tugs her on the sleeve and whispers to her.

"This one is mine" Anti was trying to sound as if he was joking, but Anti new he was dead serious.

She smirked a little, heading through the large crowd towards the handsome stranger making Anti nervous.

'She...she wouldn't..would she?' Anti thought to himself as Annie grabs the males attention.

She grabbed his arm , making Anti frown, at first but it slowly turned into shock when he realised they were heading back to him.

The stranger look up at him and Anti had to hold back his squeal . They were gorgeous! Deep crimson irises against a dark background. He could stare at them for hours.

Dark's POV

"Where are you taking me?" I asks , looking at the woman who I only knew the name of who was leading me through the crowd.

"I'm about to change your life." She states simply, causing me to raise a brow, but I other wise didn't question it.

"Then by all means, lead the way."

We stopped just in front of a male who I couldn't help but think of as gorgeous, everything about him was so...amazing...

"A-Anti Septic, I-it's a pleasure to meet you." The male said , bowing before standing back up.


"My best friend, partially relates to Jack McLoughlin." Annie explained, earning a nod of understanding.

"Thank you for your service." The small male rubbed his neck slightly.

I smile, gently taking one of his hands.

"If fighting a war was enough for us to meet then it will have been worth it." I say as I kiss his knuckle.

3rd person POV

Anti's eyes widened, his dash flushing a deep pink as he looked down at the male who was kissing his knuckle.

Annie smirks.

"I'll leave you too it."

{*Time skip dances about with you*}

A couple of weeks later and Anti and Dark were in a beautiful relationship, writing letters nightly and their lives grew better.

As we speak Anti was practically buried in the large pile of letters.

Annie was standing right beside the pile, teasing Anti as usual.

"C'mon , just once."

"Annie I am not sharing Dark with you, he's mine and mine alone ." Anti stated , sticking his tongue out as he continued.

"I'm just saying if you really loved me you would share him."

"Ha! Yea right!"

{*Time skip waits nervously *}

"S-Sir please, y-your son means the world to me, I would r-reall-ly appreciate it if you'd allow me t-to marry him." Dark stutters as he sat st one end of a large dining table, fiddling with his hands and messing with his collar . He was clearly nervous.

Anti's father however stayed expressionless, looking blatantly back at him.

Anti was standing and watching in the corridor, shaking and just as nervous as Dark. They could be through if Dark can't convince his father.

His father slowly stands, making his way over to Dark.

Anti sighed, he could only hope his father would give them mercy.

But to his surprise, his father held out his hand to him , a soft smile on his face.

"Be true to him."

Dark and Anti gasp , bright smiles on their faces as Dark food up, taking his fathers hand .

"You won't regret this sir!" He immediately raced over to Anti and hugged him, and of course Anti hugged him back, both kissing one another with bright smiles .

Soon ..the wedding day came along, and everything was perfect.


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